考虑以下dart Web应用程序:
import "dart:html"; // assume this is a custom library hosted somewhere on github,i.e. // there is a pubspec.yaml entry // // dependencies: // my_hello: // git: http://github.com/foo/my_hello.git // import "package:my_hello/my_hello.dart" as hello; main() { query("#message").innerHtml = hello.message; }
包/ my_hello / …
目前,您需要部署包文件夹以及代码. Dartium不使用pubspec.yaml
目前正在进行中,有一个dart2dart工具,它与dart2js做类似的事情 – 树摇动,缩小,并将所有代码放入一个可部署的源文件中.请参阅此dartbug issue以获取指示,并在google群组中查看此recent discussion.
另见:what could be a deployment strategy with pubspec on dart
并且:Creating a Javascript deployment set from Dart2js output
更新:Dartbug 6006正在进行中,并表示它的工作方式如下:
It’ll copy everything in “web” into a deploy directory,run dart2dart and dart2js on all the entrypoints,and clean up the Dart source files. This will produce a directory that can be served without any additional steps.