1. .gitignore not ignoring .idea path 无法忽略某些目录或文件
.gitignore only ignores newly added (untracked) files.
If you have files that have already been added to the repository,all their changes will be tracked as usual,even if they are matched by .gitignore rules.
To remove that folder from the repository (without deleting it from disk),do:
git rm --cached -r .idea
2. 常见用法
git config --global user.name "sunchenguang"
git config --global user.email "809200299@qq.com"
git remote remove origin
git remote set-url origin git://new.url.here
git config --global alias.ci "commit -v"
git config --global core.autocrlf false
3. 新repo推送
…or create a new repository on the command line
echo "# blog" >> README.md
git init
git add README.md
git commit -m "first commit"
git remote add origin git@github.com:sunchenguang/blog.git
git push -u origin master
…or push an existing repository from the command line
git remote add origin git@github.com:sunchenguang/blog.git
git push -u origin master
4. 查看远程分支
git pull // 保持代码最新
git branch -r
5. 拉取远程分支并创建本地分支
git checkout -b <本地分支名> origin/<远程分支名>
6. 合并分支
git merge <指定分支>
git merge命令用于合并指定分支到当前分支。
7. 删除分支
git branch -d <指定分支>
8. 切换分支
git checkout <指定分支>
9. stash暂时隐藏修改
git stash: 备份当前的工作区的内容,从最近的一次提交中读取相关内容,让工作区保证和上次提交的内容一致。同时,将当前的工作区内容保存到Git栈中。
git stash pop: 从Git栈中读取最近一次保存的内容,恢复工作区的相关内容。由于可能存在多个Stash的内容,所以用栈来管理,pop会从最近的一个stash中读取内容并恢复。
git stash list: 显示Git栈内的所有备份,可以利用这个列表来决定从那个地方恢复。
git stash clear: 清空Git栈。此时使用gitg等图形化工具会发现,原来stash的哪些节点都消失了。
10. 合并两个git仓库
If you want to merge project-a into project-b:
cd path/to/project-b
git remote add project-a path/to/project-a
git fetch project-a
git merge --allow-unrelated-histories project-a/master # or whichever branch you want to merge
git remote remove project-a
This method worked pretty well for me,it's shorter and in my opinion a lot cleaner.
Note: The --allow-unrelated-histories parameter only exists since git >= 2.9.