flex – 移动和桌面AIR之间的差异

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了flex – 移动和桌面AIR之间的差异前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。
香港专业教育学院尝试过在黑莓论坛上提问但没有运气……也许这里有一些黑莓/ Adob​​e专家……

我即将使用Adobe AIR / flex为Blackberry Playbook开始一个项目,我有几个问题:




What’s different about developing a
mobile application versus a web or
desktop application? While many
existing Flex concepts and patterns
carry over directly to mobile
development,developers will need to
take into account the differences in
interaction patterns,screen real
estate,and performance
characteristics of mobile devices
compared to desktop computers. As a
result,we recommend using the new
mobile features in Flex to craft UIs
specific to mobile devices,while
sharing underlying model and data
access code with your desktop or web
application. Additionally,we
recommend certain best practices when
developing mobile applications with
Flex,such as using ActionScript and
FXG rather than MXML for creating item
renderers and skins.



The runtime: Adobe AIR 2.5 on mobile
devices The initial versions of the
mobile development features in “Hero”
and “Burrito” are targeted at creating
standalone installed applications
using the Adobe AIR runtime for mobile
devices. By focusing on AIR,Flex can
take full advantage of the integration
AIR provides with each mobile
platform,such as the ability to
handle hardware back and menu buttons
and to access local storage.

Running on AIR Finally,it’s important
to realize that in addition to all the
mobile Flex components listed above,
you can also directly take advantage
of all the APIs that are available in
AIR on mobile devices—geolocation,
accelerometer,camera integration,and
so forth. While some of these features
are not exposed as Flex components,
they are easy to access directly using
ActionScript. For more information on
developing using the APIs provided by
AIR on mobile devices,see AIR mobile



>是的,可能是的. (因为他们重复了我在主题上发现的任何内容,Hero中的控件专门用于触摸,考虑到胖指针和鼠标指针,我的猜测是它会在桌面上呈现略有不同的情况,它是最好的虽然可以将Web服务/模型组合到共享库/项目中,但是可以单独实际开发UI
>您应该可以访问提供给桌面的所有内容(以及来自GPS /加速度计等的信息,但显然不会在桌面上获得这些信息),但是没有几乎同样好的处理器,因此在桌面上工作的可能不是在性能较低的计算设备上,但对于低资源消耗的任务,这不应该是一个担心.
>是的,这是Flex的核心功能,我不知道如何在没有Web服务的情况下制作(有用的)RIA.为了确认这一点,我们只看Adobe TV:http://tv.adobe.com/watch/adc-presents/flex-mobile-part-1-beginning-a-mobile-application/< - 该应用程序正在使用Web服务(对Flex而言,只要它可以对其发出HTTP请求,它对底层服务器技术的影响并不重要,RemoteObject / AMFService应该服务于你的目的)

