


Dojo is divided into two parts: dojo.js ,and the rest of Dojo Core. Typically,if a function or Class exists within the dojo namespace directly (eg: dojo.require() ,dojo.addOnLoad() ) it is provided directly by dojo.js . If the function or Class exists beneath the dojo namespace (eg: dojo.dnd.Mover ),you will need to require the appropriate module (eg: dojo.require("dojo.dnd.Mover"); )

These pages cover both cases,and indicate how they are provided.

Base Dojo: dojo.js

Dojo Base is the functionality you get by just including a stock built dojo.js or dojo.xd.js in your page.

Configuring Dojo

  • djConfig

    Possibility to override certain global settings that control how the framework operates

Array utilities

Details on dojo.every,dojo.filter,dojo.forEach,dojo.indexOf,dojo.lastIndexOf,,and dojo.some. See the Array QuickStart for an overview.

  • dojo.forEach

    Invokes a callback function for every item in array


    Applies a callback to each element of arr and returns an Array with the results

  • dojo.some

    Iterate over an array,escaping when the callback returns true for some logic check.

  • dojo.every

    Iterate over an array,escaping when the callback returns false for some logic check.

  • dojo.filter

    Iterate over an array,reducing the array based on the callback return.

  • dojo.indexOf

    Find the index of some element in an Array.

  • NodeList array methods

    • NodeList.indexOf,NodeList.lastIndexOf,NodeList.forEach,NodeList.every,NodeList.some,NodeList.concat,,NodeList.filter,

Language Utilities

  • dojo.Deferred

    Communication between threads

  • dojo.hitch

    Function that generates a wrapper function that ensures a function that will only ever execute in a defined scope.

  • dojo.partial

    Function that generates a wrapper function that ensures a function will only ever execute globally.

  • dojo.delegate

    Returns a new object which “looks” to obj for properties which it does not have a value for.

  • dojo.isString

    Checks if the parameter is a String

  • dojo.isArray

    Checks if the parameter is an Array

  • dojo.isFunction

    Checks if the parameter is a Function

  • dojo.isObject

    Checks if the parameter is an Object

  • dojo.isArrayLike

    Checks if the parameter is like an Array

  • dojo.isAlien

    Checks if the parameter is a built-in function

String Utilities




Document Lifecycle

Ajax / IO

Package System

JSON Tools

Objects / OO Tools


  • dojo._base.Color

    Color object and utility functions to handle colors. Details on

  • dojo.colorFromArray

  • dojo.colorFromHex

  • dojo.colorFromString

  • dojo.colorFromRgb.

Miscellaneous Base

  • dojo.deprecated

    Log a debug message to indicate that a behavior has been deprecated

  • dojo.eval

    Evaluate some string of JavaScript


    Alias for the global scope

  • dojo.keys

    A collection of key constants.

  • dojo.locale

    A string containing the current locale as defined by Dojo

  • dojo.setContext

    Changes the behavior of many core Dojo functions that deal with namespace and DOM lookup

  • dojo.version

    The current version number of Dojo

  • dojo.withDoc

    Call callback with documentObject as dojo.doc

  • dojo.withGlobal

    Call callback with globalObject as and globalObject.document as dojo.doc

Dojo Core

See also

  • Dijit

    The widget system layered on top of Dojo

  • DojoX

    An area for development of extensions to the Dojo toolkit

