Dojo is divided into two parts: dojo.js ,and the rest of Dojo Core. Typically,if a function or Class exists within the dojo namespace directly (eg: dojo.require() ,dojo.addOnLoad() ) it is provided directly by dojo.js . If the function or Class exists beneath the dojo namespace (eg: dojo.dnd.Mover ),you will need to require the appropriate module (eg: dojo.require("dojo.dnd.Mover"); )
These pages cover both cases,and indicate how they are provided.
Base Dojo: dojo.js
Dojo Base is the functionality you get by just including a stock built dojo.js or dojo.xd.js in your page.
Configuring Dojo
Possibility to override certain global settings that control how the framework operates
Array utilities
Details on dojo.every,dojo.filter,dojo.forEach,dojo.indexOf,dojo.lastIndexOf,,and dojo.some. See the Array QuickStart for an overview.
Invokes a callback function for every item in array
Applies a callback to each element of arr and returns an Array with the results
Iterate over an array,escaping when the callback returns true for some logic check.
Iterate over an array,escaping when the callback returns false for some logic check.
Iterate over an array,reducing the array based on the callback return.
Find the index of some element in an Array.
- NodeList.indexOf,NodeList.lastIndexOf,NodeList.forEach,NodeList.every,NodeList.some,NodeList.concat,,NodeList.filter,
Language Utilities
Communication between threads
Function that generates a wrapper function that ensures a function that will only ever execute in a defined scope.
Function that generates a wrapper function that ensures a function will only ever execute globally.
Returns a new object which “looks” to obj for properties which it does not have a value for.
Checks if the parameter is a String
Checks if the parameter is an Array
Checks if the parameter is a Function
Checks if the parameter is an Object
Checks if the parameter is like an Array
Checks if the parameter is a built-in function
String Utilities
Trim whitespace from a String
Simple templates with parameterized substitutions.
The swiss army knife of DOM node manipulation in Dojo.
A class to handle a list of DOM nodes. Most commonly returned from a dojo.query call.
Alias for the current document
Return the body element of the document
Select a DOM node by ‘id’
Creates a dom node with optional values and placement
Place DOM nodes relative to others
Place DOM nodes in list relative to others
Destroy a DOM element
Empty the contents of a DOM element
Create an object from an form node
Modifying DOM node attributes
Set/Get attributes for nodes in the list
Getter for the coordinates (relative to parent and absolute) of a DOM node. Deprecated in Dojo 1.4.
Getter for the coordinates of each node in the list. Deprecated in Dojo 1.4.
Getter for the border-Box x/y coordinates and size of a DOM node.
Calls dojo.position for each node in the list and returns those objects as an Array.
A getter/setter for styles on a DOM node
Return a cachable object of all computed styles for a node
Class Utilities
Returns a boolean depending on whether or not a node has a passed class string.
Adds a CSS class to a node.
Removes a class from a Node.
Toggles a className (or now in 1.4 an array of classNames).
Getter/setter for the margin-Box of node
Getter/setter for the content-Box of node
Connects events to methods
Connects events to every node in the list,like dojo.connect
Common event names mapped as functions on a NodeList - eg: .onclick(function(){})
Disconnects methods from linked topics
Linked a listener to a named topic
Remove a topic listener
Publish an event to all subscribers of a topic
Ensure that everytime an event is called,a message is published on the topic.
Stop an event’s bubbling and propagation.
Document Lifecycle
Call functions after the DOM has finished loading and widgets declared in markup have been instantiated
1.4+ Alias for dojo.addOnLoad
Call functions when the page unloads
Call functions when window.onunload fires
Signal fired by impending window destruction
Ajax / IO
1.4+ Pre-defined XHR content handlers,and an extension point to add your own custom handling.
Core for all xhr* verbs,eg: xhrPost,getGet
Package System
Maps module name to a path
Loads a Javascript module from the appropriate URI
JSON Tools
Parses a JSON string to return a JavaScript object
Returns a JSON serialization of an object
Objects / OO Tools
Mixes one object into another. Can be used as a shallow copy
Creates a constructor using a compact notation for inheritance and prototype extension
Determine if an object supports a given method
Delegate an Object (beget)
Get a property from a dot-separated string,such as “A.B.C”
Set a property from a dot-separated string,such as “A.B.C”
Create classes out of each node in the list
Color object and utility functions to handle colors. Details on
Miscellaneous Base
Log a debug message to indicate that a behavior has been deprecated
Evaluate some string of JavaScript
Alias for the global scope
A collection of key constants.
A string containing the current locale as defined by Dojo
Changes the behavior of many core Dojo functions that deal with namespace and DOM lookup
The current version number of Dojo
Call callback with documentObject as dojo.doc
Call callback with globalObject as and globalObject.document as dojo.doc
Dojo Core
A registry to make contextual calling/searching easier
Browser history management resources (Back button functionality)
Utility for unobtrusive/progressive event binding,DOM traversal,and manipulation
A Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR) implementation
1.4+ A mechanism to cache inline text.
CSS color manipulation functions
Simple HTTP cookie manipulation
Localized formatting and parsing routines for currency data
A uniform data access layer
Date manipulation utilities
Offers a library of localization methods to format and parse dates and times
Adds a reference to a bundle containing localized custom formats to be used by date/time formatting and parsing routines.
Formats a Date object as a String,using locale-specific settings or custom patterns.
Used to get localized strings from dojo.cldr for day or month names.
Determines if the date falls on a weekend,according to local custom.
Converts a properly formatted string to a primitive Date object,using locale-specific settings.
Builds the regular needed to parse a localized date
Event handling for a group of Deferred objects
Drag and Drop
Effects library on top of Base animations
Google Gears
Normalized onhashchange module
Inserting contents in HTML nodes
Utility classes to enable loading of resources for internationalization
Additional AJAX I/O transports (
Sends an AJAX I/O call using an IFrame
Sends a JSONP request using a script tag
Adds a .data() and .removeData() API to dojo.query operations
Adds dojo.fx animation support to dojo.query()
Adds a chainable html method to dojo.query()
1.4+ Method extensions to dojo.NodeList/dojo.query() that manipulate HTML.
1.4+ Method extensions to dojo.NodeList/dojo.query() for traversing the DOM.
Localized formatting and parsing methods for number data
The Dom/Widget parsing package
Regular expressions and Builder resources
experimental module for DOH users
experimental module for DOH users
Communicate via Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) with Backend Servers
Generic JSONP service
JSON RPC service
RPC service class
String utilities for Dojo