dojo.require("dijit.form.Button"); function sendText(){ var button = dijit.byId("submitButton2"); dojo.connect(button,"onClick",function(event){ // The parameters to pass to xhrPut,the message,and the url to send it to // Also,how to handle the return and callbacks. var xhrArgs = { url: "putIt",putData: "Some random text",handleAs: "text",load: function(data){ dojo.byId("response2").innerHTML = "Message put."; },error: function(error){ // We'll 404 in the demo,but that's okay. We don't have a 'putIt' service on the // docs server. dojo.byId("response2").innerHTML = "Message put."; } } dojo.byId("response2").innerHTML = "Message being sent..." // Call the asynchronous xhrPost var deferred = dojo.xhrPut(xhrArgs); }); } dojo.ready(sendText);
<b>Push the button to PUT some text.</b> <br> <br> <button data-dojo-type="dijit.form.Button" id="submitButton2">Send it!</button> <br> <br> <b>Result</b> <div id="response2"></div>