1. 常用函数及关键字
1.1 define 关键字
URL: http://dojotoolkit.org/documentation/tutorials/1.7/modules/
摘要: (AMD - Asynchronous Module Definition)
* Introduction to AMD module identifiers
* Configuring the loader
* Package
* Requiring modules
* Defining modules
* Using portable modules
* Writing portable modules
* Conditionally requiring modules
* Using plugins
* dojo/text
* dojo/i18n
* dojo/has
* dojo/domReady
* handling circular dependencies
* Loading non-AMD code
* Server-side JavaScript
1.2 dojo.subscribe
1.3 dojo.publish
1.4 dojo. declare
url: http://dojotoolkit.org/reference-guide/1.6/dojo/declare.html
1.5 dojo.mixin
1.6 dojo.hitch
1.x dojo._WidgetBase
2. template 模板:
2.1 Understanding _WidgetBase
url: http://dojotoolkit.org/documentation/tutorials/1.10/understanding_widgetbase/
content: *The Digit Lifecycle
*Tear-down metods
*Node references
*Geters and Setters
*Owning handles
*Pre-defined Properties and Events
3. aspect