(2)The AMD define function accepts similar parameters to the require function - an array of module ids and a callback function.
(3)CDN Usage
(4)dojo/domReady plugin:Again,note that the module identifier ends with !; without this,the dojo/domReady module would simply function like any other module. @H_301_1@http://dojotoolkit.org/documentation/tutorials/1.10/dojo_config/index.html (1)Notice that dojoConfig is defined in a script block before dojo.js is loaded. This is of paramount importance—if reversed,the configuration properties will be ignored.
(2)The AMD define function accepts similar parameters to the require function - an array of module ids and a callback function.
(3)CDN Usage
(4)dojo/domReady plugin:Again,note that the module identifier ends with !; without this,the dojo/domReady module would simply function like any other module. @H_301_1@http://dojotoolkit.org/documentation/tutorials/1.10/dojo_config/index.html (1)Notice that dojoConfig is defined in a script block before dojo.js is loaded. This is of paramount importance—if reversed,the configuration properties will be ignored.