我习惯于以“传统”方式构建Web应用程序,但试图使用Docker来解决问题.如果我在python Web应用程序中与容器一起运行postgres,这与启动数字海洋服务器并从头开始安装postgres一样吗?如何使用docker中的postgres数据库处理备份,容错等?
The first challenge is resource isolation. Many container orchestration solutions in the market provide a best effort approach to resource allocation,including memory,cpu and Storage. While this may be ok for stateless apps,it may be catastrophic for stateful services,where loss of performance may result in loss of customer transactions or data.
Most of today’s stateful database technologies were originally designed for a non-containerized world. The operational instructions are very specific to the technology and can sometimes be version specific. Trying to map generic primitives of a container orchestration platform to stateful services is usually a time consuming and error prone operation.