“使用内存”指标:Go tool pprof vs docker stats

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了“使用内存”指标:Go tool pprof vs docker stats前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。

在docker stats上我看到内存使用量呈线性增长,所以我试图在我的应用程序中找到任何泄漏.

由于它是一个持续运行的应用程序,我使用http pprof来检查任何一个容器中的实时应用程序.
我看到即使docker stats线性增加,runtime.MemStats.sys也是常量.
我的–inuse_space大约是1MB而且–alloc_space ofcourse随着时间的推移不断增加.以下是alloc_space的示例:

root@n3:/app# go tool pprof --alloc_space main http://localhost:8080/debug/pprof/heap                                                                                                                       
Fetching profile from http://localhost:8080/debug/pprof/heap
Saved profile in /root/pprof/pprof.main.localhost:8080.alloc_objects.alloc_space.005.pb.gz
Entering interactive mode (type "help" for commands)
(pprof) top --cum
1024.11kB of 10298.19kB total ( 9.94%)
Dropped 8 nodes (cum <= 51.49kB)
Showing top 10 nodes out of 34 (cum >= 1536.07kB)
      flat  flat%   sum%        cum   cum%
         0     0%     0% 10298.19kB   100%  runtime.goexit
         0     0%     0%  6144.48kB 59.67%  main.Listener
         0     0%     0%  3072.20kB 29.83%  github.com/golang/protobuf/proto.Unmarshal
  512.10kB  4.97%  4.97%  3072.20kB 29.83%  github.com/golang/protobuf/proto.UnmarshalMerge
         0     0%  4.97%  2560.17kB 24.86%  github.com/hashicorp/memberlist.(*Memberlist).triggerFunc
         0     0%  4.97%  2560.10kB 24.86%  github.com/golang/protobuf/proto.(*Buffer).Unmarshal
         0     0%  4.97%  2560.10kB 24.86%  github.com/golang/protobuf/proto.(*Buffer).dec_struct_message
         0     0%  4.97%  2560.10kB 24.86%  github.com/golang/protobuf/proto.(*Buffer).unmarshalType
  512.01kB  4.97%  9.94%  2048.23kB 19.89%  main.SaveAsFile
         0     0%  9.94%  1536.07kB 14.92%  reflect.New
(pprof) list main.Listener
Total: 10.06MB
ROUTINE ======================== main.Listener in /app/listener.go
         0        6MB (flat,cum) 59.67% of Total
         .          .     24:   l.SetReadBuffer(MaxDatagramSize)
         .          .     25:   defer l.Close()
         .          .     26:   m := new(NewMsg)
         .          .     27:   b := make([]byte,MaxDatagramSize)
         .          .     28:   for {
         .   512.02kB     29:       n,src,err := l.ReadFromUDP(b)
         .          .     30:       if err != nil {
         .          .     31:           log.Fatal("ReadFromUDP Failed:",err)
         .          .     32:       }
         .   512.02kB     33:       log.Println(n,"bytes read from",src)
         .          .     34:       //TODO remove later. For testing Fetcher only
         .          .     35:       if rand.Intn(100) < MCastDropPercent {
         .          .     36:           continue
         .          .     37:       }
         .        3MB     38:       err = proto.Unmarshal(b[:n],m)
         .          .     39:       if err != nil {
         .          .     40:           log.Fatal("protobuf Unmarshal Failed",err)
         .          .     41:       }
         .          .     42:       id := m.GetHead().GetMsgId()
         .          .     43:       log.Println("CONFIG-UPDATE-RECEIVED { \"update_id\" =",id,"}")
         .          .     44:       //TODO check whether value already exists in store?
         .          .     45:       store.Add(id)
         .        2MB     46:       SaveAsFile(id,b[:n],StoreDir)
         .          .     47:       m.Reset()
         .          .     48:   }
         .          .     49:}

我已经能够使用http://:8080 / debug / pprof / goroutine验证没有发生goroutine泄漏?debug = 1

评论为什么docker stats显示不同的图片(线性增加内存)

CONTAINER           cpu %               MEM USAGE / LIMIT       MEM %               NET I/O               BLOCK I/O           PIDS
n3                  0.13%               19.73 MiB / 31.36 GiB   0.06%               595 kB / 806 B        0 B / 73.73 kB      14


docker stats显示来自cgroups的内存使用情况统计信息. (参见:https://docs.docker.com/engine/admin/runmetrics/)


5.5 usage_in_bytes

For efficiency,as other kernel components,memory cgroup uses some
optimization to avoid unnecessary cacheline false sharing.
usage_in_bytes is affected by the method and doesn’t show ‘exact’
value of memory (and swap) usage,it’s a fuzz value for efficient
access. (Of course,when necessary,it’s synchronized.) If you want to
know more exact memory usage,you should use RSS+CACHE(+SWAP) value in
memory.stat(see 5.2).

页面缓存和RES包含在内存usage_in_bytes编号中.因此,如果容器具有文件I / O,则内存使用情况统计信息将增加.但是,对于容器,如果使用量达到最大限制,则它会回收一些未使用的内存.因此,当我向容器添加内存限制时,我可以观察到内存被回收并在达到限制时使用.除非没有内存要回收并且发生OOM错误,否则不会杀死容器进程.对于任何关注docker stats中显示的数字的人来说,最简单的方法是检查路径中cgroups中可用的详细统计信息:/ sys / fs / cgroup / memory / docker //

如果要在“docker run”命令中限制docker容器使用的资源,可以按照以下引用进行操作:https://docs.docker.com/engine/admin/resource_constraints/


mem_limit: 32m

