function读数,docker生成的MAC地址基本上是docker0网桥上的container’s interface的IPv4地址,保证与IP地址保持一致.
docker0网桥的子网,通常是255.255.0.0,根据172.17.42.1/16的this example,有65,534个可路由的地址.这样做可以减少UUID生成的熵,但MAC地址冲突是不可能的,因为IP必须是唯一的,同一个Docker服务器/ CoreOS主机上的两个容器中相同的MAC,PID,时间和计数器的场景不应该是可能的.
但是,两个CoreOS主机(每个运行一个docker服务器)可能会潜在地选择相同的随机子网,从而导致不同主机上的容器重复的MAC的可能性.您可以通过为每个主机上的docker服务器设置一个fixed CIDR:
— restrict the IP range from the docker0 subnet,using the standard CIDR notation like172.167.1.0/28
. This range must be and IPv4 range for fixed IPs (ex:
) and must be a subset of the bridge IP range (docker0
or set using--bridge
). For example with--fixed-cidr=
,IPs for your containers will be chosen from the first half of192.168.1.0/24
The original IEEE 802 MAC address comes from the original Xerox Ethernet addressing scheme. This 48-bit address space contains potentially 248 or 281,474,976,710,656 possible MAC addresses.
如果您担心缺乏熵(IP到MAC映射会大大减少),更好的选择可能是使用不同的机制来生成UUID.考虑到UUID版本3,4和5 do not take MAC address.或者,您可以将主机的MAC包含在UUID生成中.
// Generate a IEEE802 compliant MAC address from the given IP address.
// The generator is guaranteed to be consistent: the same IP will always yield the same
// MAC address. This is to avoid ARP cache issues.
func generateMacAddr(ip net.IP) net.HardwareAddr {
hw := make(net.HardwareAddr,6)
// The first byte of the MAC address has to comply with these rules:
// 1. Unicast: Set the least-significant bit to 0.
// 2. Address is locally administered: Set the second-least-significant bit (U/L) to 1.
// 3. As "small" as possible: The veth address has to be "smaller" than the bridge address.
hw[0] = 0x02
// The first 24 bits of the MAC represent the Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI).
// Since this address is locally administered,we can do whatever we want as long as
// it doesn't conflict with other addresses.
hw[1] = 0x42
// Insert the IP address into the last 32 bits of the MAC address.
// This is a simple way to guarantee the address will be consistent and unique.
return hw