privileged = true
@H_404_1@看到这里我现在的配置 – 它使用S3缓存和数字海洋赛跑者:
concurrent = 10
name = "ec2-autoscale-runner"
url = "https://gitlab.mydomain.at/ci"
token = "12345"
executor = "docker+machine"
limit = 10
environment = ["COMPOSER_CACHE_DIR=/cache"]
OffPeakPeriods = [ # Set the Off Peak time mode on for:
"* * 0-9,18-23 * * mon-fri *",# - Monday to Friday for 12am to 9am and 6pm to 11pm
"* * * * * sat,sun *" # - whole Saturday and Sunday
OffPeakIdleCount = 0 # There must be 1 machine in Idle state - when Off Peak time mode is on
OffPeakIdleTime = 3550 # Each machine can be in Idle state up to 1200 seconds (after this it will be removed) - when Off Peak time mode is on
IdleCount = 0 # There must be 5 machines in Idle state - when Off Peak time mode is off
IdleTime = 3550 # Each machine can be in Idle state up to 600 seconds (after this it will be removed) - when Off Peak time mode is off
MaxBuilds = 100 # Each machine can handle up to 100 builds in a row (after this it will be removed)
MachineName = "auto-scale-%s" # Each machine will have a unique name ('%s' is required)
MachineDriver = "digitalocean" # Docker Machine is using the 'digitalocean' driver
MachineOptions = [
user = "root"
identity_file = "/etc/gitlab-runner/id_rsa"
privileged = true
Type = "s3"
ServerAddress = "s3.amazonaws.com"
AccessKey = "1234"
SecretKey = "1234"
BucketName = "cwd-gitlab-cache"
BucketLocation = "eu-central-1"
Insecure = false