1. 栈的定义
2. 栈的实现
2.1. C++ STL中的Stack
2.2. Java中的Stack
3. 栈的应用
3.1. 表达式求值
后缀表达式求值过程:从左到右读入后缀表达式,如读入的是一个操作数,就将它如数值栈;若读入的是一个运算符op,就从数值栈中连续出栈两个元素,假设为x和y,计算x op y的值,并将计算结果如数值栈。对整个后缀表达式读入结束时,栈顶元素就是计算结果;
(1) 若ch为数字,将后续的所有数字依次存入数组exp中;
(2) 若ch为“(”,则将此括弧如栈op;
(3) 若ch为")",则将栈op中左括弧"("之前(栈顶到"("之间)的字符依次删除并存入数组exp中,然后将左括弧"("删除;
(4) 若ch为“+”或“-”,则将当前栈op中"("之前的所有运算符一次删除并存入数组exp中,然后将ch如栈op中;
(5) 若ch为"*"或"/",则将当前栈op中栈顶端连续的"*"或"/"删除,并以此存入数组exp中,然后将ch如栈op中;
(6) 若表达式字符串扫描完毕,则将栈op中的所有运算符一次删除并存入数组exp中,最后得到的表达式的后缀表示在数组exp中。
import java.util.*; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.Vector; import java.io.*; /** * Test */ public class Calculator { public static void main(String[] args) { String expStr = new String ("(56 - 20) / (4 + 2)"); Expression exp = new Expression(expStr); exp.translateToPostfixExp(); System.out.println(exp.getPostfixExpStringValue()); System.out.println("The result is: " + exp.calculate()); } } /** * super class for operator and number */ interface BulkObject { public String getStringValue(); } /** * number object */ class NumberObject implements BulkObject { private double number = 0.0; public NumberObject(double num) { this.number = num; } public String getStringValue() { return String.valueOf(number); } public double getValue() { return number; } } /** * operator object */ class OperatorObject implements BulkObject { private String operator = new String(); public OperatorObject(String op) { this.operator = op; } public String getStringValue() { return operator; } public String getValue() { return operator; } } /** * expression object */ class Expression { // string of expression public String expStr = new String(); // array of number and operator for post fix expression public Vector<BulkObject> postfixExp = new Vector<BulkObject>(); /** * constructor */ public Expression(String expStr) { this.expStr = expStr; } /** * return the string value of the post fix expression */ public String getPostfixExpStringValue() { String strValue = new String(); for (BulkObject ele : postfixExp) { strValue += ele.getStringValue() + " "; } return strValue; } /** * translate the expression to post fix format */ public void translateToPostfixExp() { // operator stack Stack<OperatorObject> opStack = new Stack<OperatorObject>(); int length = expStr.length(); // for each char in the expression string for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { char ch = expStr.charAt(i); switch (ch) { // ignore the space case ' ': { } break; // push stack case '(': { opStack.push(new OperatorObject(Character.toString(ch))); } break; // pop all the operators before the '(' case ')': { while (!opStack.empty()) { OperatorObject op = opStack.pop(); if (op.getValue().equals("(")) { break; }else { postfixExp.add(op); } } } break; // pop up all the operators before the '(',push '+ -' case '+': case '-': { while (!opStack.empty()) { if (!opStack.peek().getStringValue().equals("(")) { OperatorObject op = opStack.pop(); postfixExp.add(op); }else { break; } } opStack.push(new OperatorObject(Character.toString(ch))); } break; // pop up all the operators * / in stack,push '* /' case '*': case '/': { while (!opStack.empty()) { String opStr = opStack.peek().getStringValue(); if (opStr.equals("*") || opStr.equals("/")) { OperatorObject op = opStack.pop(); postfixExp.add(op); }else { break; } } opStack.push(new OperatorObject(Character.toString(ch))); } break; default: { // construct the number if ((ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') || ch == '.') { String numStr = new String(); numStr = Character.toString(ch); while ((i+1)<length) { ch = expStr.charAt(i + 1); if ((ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') || ch == '.') { numStr += Character.toString(ch); i++; }else { break; } } double num = Double.valueOf(numStr).doubleValue(); postfixExp.add(new NumberObject(num)); } } break; } } // clear the stack of operators,push into vector while (!opStack.empty()) { postfixExp.add(opStack.pop()); } } /** * get the value as per the post fix expression. */ public double calculate() { Stack<BulkObject> stack = new Stack<BulkObject>(); for (BulkObject ele : postfixExp) { if (ele instanceof NumberObject) { stack.push(ele); } if (ele instanceof OperatorObject) { // stack: bottom : num2,num1 : top NumberObject num1 = (NumberObject)(stack.pop()); NumberObject num2 = (NumberObject)(stack.pop()); double num = getValue(num2,num1,(OperatorObject)ele); stack.push(new NumberObject(num)); } } return ((NumberObject)(stack.peek())).getValue(); } /** * */ public double getValue(NumberObject num1,NumberObject num2,OperatorObject op) { String str = op.getValue(); double num = 0.0; if (str.equals("+")) { num = num1.getValue() + num2.getValue(); }else if (str.equals("-")) { num = num1.getValue() - num2.getValue(); }else if (str.equals("*")) { num = num1.getValue() * num2.getValue(); }else if (str.equals("/")) { num = num1.getValue() / num2.getValue(); } return num; } }