


@H_403_5@#pragma once #include <iostream> #include <assert.h> using namespace std; template<class Type> class SeqStack { public: SeqStack(size_t sz = INIT_SZ); ~SeqStack(); public: bool empty()const; bool full()const; void show()const; bool push(const Type &x); bool pop(); void gettop(Type &x); int length()const; void clear(); void destory(); void quit_system(Type &x); private: enum{ INIT_SZ = 64 }; Type *base; int capacity; int top; }; template<class Type> SeqStack<Type>::SeqStack(size_t sz = INIT_SZ) { capacity = sz > INIT_SZ ? sz : INIT_SZ; base = new Type[capacity]; assert(base != NULL); top = 0; } template<class Type> SeqStack<Type>::~SeqStack() { destory(); } // 判断栈是否满了 template<class Type> bool SeqStack<Type>::full()const { return (top >= capacity); } // 判断是否为空栈 template<class Type> bool SeqStack<Type>::empty()const { return (top == 0); } // 显示 template<class Type> void SeqStack<Type>::show()const { if (top == 0) { cout << "the stack is empty!" << endl; return; } for (int i = top - 1; i >= 0; --i) { cout << base[i] << endl; } } // 入栈 template<class Type> bool SeqStack<Type>::push(const Type &x) { if (full()) { cout << "the stack is full,can not enter!" << endl; return false; } else { base[top] = x; top++; return true; } } // 出栈 template<class Type> bool SeqStack<Type>::pop() { if (empty()) { cout << "the stack is empty,can not pop!" << endl; return false; } else { top--; return true; } } // 获得栈顶元素 template<class Type> void SeqStack<Type>::gettop(Type &x) { x = base[top - 1]; } // 求栈长度 template<class Type> int SeqStack<Type>::length()const { return top; } // 清空栈 template<class Type> void SeqStack<Type>::clear() { top = 0; } // 摧毁栈 template<class Type> void SeqStack<Type>::destory() { delete[]base; base = NULL; capacity = top = 0; } // 退出系统 template<class Type> void SeqStack<Type>::quit_system(Type &x) { x = 0; }


@H_403_5@#include "ConNum.h" int main() { SeqStack<int> mystack; int input = 1; int value; int rem; //余数 while (input) { cout << "***********************************************************" << endl; cout << "* [1] decimal to binary [2] decimal to octonary *" << endl; cout << "* [3] decimal to hexadecimal [4] quit system *" << endl; cout << "***********************************************************" << endl; cout << "please choose :"; cin >> input; switch (input) { case 1: cout << "please enter the decimal number:"; cin >> value; mystack.push('#'); while (value != 0) { rem = value % 2; mystack.push(rem); value = value / 2; } while (mystack.gettop(rem),rem != '#') { cout << rem; mystack.pop(); } cout << endl; break; case 2: cout << "please enter the decimal number:"; cin >> value; mystack.push('#'); while (value != 0) { rem = value % 8; mystack.push(rem); value = value / 8; } while (mystack.gettop(rem),rem != '#') { cout << rem; mystack.pop(); } cout << endl; break; case 3: cout << "please enter the decimal number:"; cin >> value; mystack.push('#'); while (value != 0) { rem = value % 16; mystack.push(rem); value = value / 16; } while (mystack.gettop(rem),rem != '#') { if (rem > 9) { rem = 'A' + (rem - 10); cout << (char)rem; } else { cout << rem; } mystack.pop(); } cout << endl; break; case 4: mystack.quit_system(input); break; default: break; } } return 0; }

