随着硬件加速,我发现移动元素发生随机闪烁,特别是在方向变化时. (绝对定位的元素)所以,看到没有值得注意的博客使用这种方法,我想检查是否有一些专业的原因,这是一个坏主意.
Currently most browsers only use GPU acceleration when they have a strong indication that an HTML element would benefit from it. The strongest indication is that a 3D transformation was applied to it. Now you might not really want to apply a 3D transformation,but still gain the benefits from GPU acceleration – no problem. Simply apply the identity transformation:
-webkit-transform: translateZ(0);
Please be warned that this applying this transformation does not guarantee to help your performance. It might simply crank up your GPU,use up more battery but deliver the same performance as before. So be careful with this technique and only use it if you experience a true performance win.