<input type='text' id='txtField001' class='txtField150'>foo</input> <input type='text' id='txtField002' class='txtField10'>bar</input> <input type='text' id='txtField001' class='txtField142'>sum</input>
所以:有没有办法建立一个“远程类”或类似的东西 – 请记住,从理论上讲,我无法改变Web服务提供的任何内容,而且我真的不想用javascript来评估事物?
.txtField1 ... .txtField50 { width: 50px; } .txtField50 ... .txtField100 { width: 80px; } .txtField100 ... .txtField150 { width: 120px; }
让我先说明这可能需要一个实际的限制(我不知道你的情况下它的字符数是否有限制). As you can see in my example fiddle,任何300都无法解析为更大的尺寸.如果有一个很高或未知的上限,那么javascript确实是你最好的解决方案.我的示例适用于少于300,并且可能最多999可以使用不太多的代码.但我认为1000是不合理的.
/* set default as small size */ [class ^= "txtField"] { width: 50px; } /* weed out 50-99,making sure not to get 5-9 */ [class *= "d5"]:not([class $= "d5"]),[class *= "d6"]:not([class $= "d6"]),[class *= "d7"]:not([class $= "d7"]),[class *= "d8"]:not([class $= "d8"]),[class *= "d9"]:not([class $= "d9"]) { width: 80px; } /* weed out 100-199,making sure not to get 1 or 10-19 NOTE: this becomes a highly specific selector */ [class *= "d1"]:not([class $= "d1"]):not([class $= "d10"]):not([class $= "d11"]):not([class $= "d12"]):not([class $= "d13"]):not([class $= "d14"]):not([class $= "d15"]):not([class $= "d16"]):not([class $= "d17"]):not([class $= "d18"]):not([class $= "d19"]) { width: 120px; } /* weed out 150-199,making sure not to get 15-19 NOTE: because the prevIoUs selector is so specific,this one needed the !important flag (which I hate to use,but here seemed to be the best and only solution) */ [class *= "d15"]:not([class $= "d15"]),[class *= "d16"]:not([class $= "d16"]),[class *= "d17"]:not([class $= "d17"]),[class *= "d18"]:not([class $= "d18"]),[class *= "d19"]:not([class $= "d19"]) { width: 150px !important; } /* weed out 200-299,making sure not to get 2 or 20-29 NOTE: again high specificity */ [class *= "d2"]:not([class $= "d2"]):not([class $= "d20"]):not([class $= "d21"]):not([class $= "d22"]):not([class $= "d23"]):not([class $= "d24"]):not([class $= "d25"]):not([class $= "d26"]):not([class $= "d27"]):not([class $= "d28"]):not([class $= "d29"]) { width: 180px; } /* weed out 250-299,making sure not to get 25-29 NOTE: !important needed again; also,anything 300+ reverts back to smallest size unless one keeps going... maybe 999 could be reached "reasonably" */ [class *= "d25"]:not([class $= "d25"]),[class *= "d26"]:not([class $= "d26"]),[class *= "d27"]:not([class $= "d27"]),[class *= "d28"]:not([class $= "d28"]),[class *= "d29"]:not([class $= "d29"]) { width: 210px !important; }