</pre><pre name="code" class="cpp">用于环形滑动,选择英雄
<img src="http://img.blog.csdn.net/20141008203419127?watermark/2/text/aHR0cDovL2Jsb2cuY3Nkbi5uZXQvaHl6MTQ1MTc4NDE0NQ==/font/5a6L5L2T/fontsize/400/fill/I0JBQkFCMA==/dissolve/70/gravity/SouthEast" alt="" />
</pre><pre name="code" class="cpp">//MyRoleScrollView.h #pragma once #include "cocos2d.h" USING_NS_CC; class nodeAndPt:public CCObject { public: nodeAndPt(CCNode *node,int ptindex) { this->node = node; this->ptIndex = ptindex; } ~nodeAndPt() { } int ptIndex; CCNode *node; }; class MyRoleScrollView:public CCNode,public CCTouchDelegate { public: MyRoleScrollView():maxNum(6),isTouchDown(false),isMoveTimeOut(true) {} ~MyRoleScrollView() { } static MyRoleScrollView * create(CCArray * nodeArr = NULL,int cgm = 60,int radius = 200); void addRole(CCNode * node); private: bool init(CCArray * nodeArr,int cgm,int radius); void initData(CCArray * nodeArr,int radius); void initView(); virtual void onEnter(); virtual void onExit(); virtual bool ccTouchBegan(CCTouch *pTouch,CCEvent *pEvent); virtual void ccTouchMoved(CCTouch *pTouch,CCEvent *pEvent); virtual void ccTouchEnded(CCTouch *pTouch,CCEvent *pEvent); virtual void ccTouchCancelled(CCTouch *pTouch,CCEvent *pEvent); void setPt(nodeAndPt * p,int i); void refreshPt(); void updateOnce(float t); private: CC_SYNTHESIZE(CCNode *,_currentNode,CurrentNode); const int maxNum; int roleNum; CCArray * _nodeArr; bool isTouchDown; CCPoint beginPt; void blackSprite(CCNode* sprite); void recoverFromBalck(CCNode* sprite); std::vector<CCPoint> ptVec; int cgm;//椭圆的倾斜角度 int radius;//半径 bool isMoveTimeOut;//一次滑动结束,才能开启下一次滑动 };
</pre><pre name="code" class="cpp"><pre name="code" class="cpp">两个类,<span style="font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;">nodeAndPt 绑定每个节点和坐标。</span>
<span style="font-family: Arial,sans-serif;"></span><pre name="code" class="cpp">MyRoleScrollView负责滑动
</pre><pre name="code" class="cpp">接下来,大家自己看cpp文件吧。
</pre><pre name="code" class="cpp">
</pre><pre name="code" class="cpp">
//MyRoleScrollView.cpp #include "MyRoleScrollView.h" #define SHADE_TAG 1234 #define induration 0.2f #define _scale 0.6f #define PIE 3.141592653 MyRoleScrollView * MyRoleScrollView::create(CCArray * nodeArr,int radius) { MyRoleScrollView * node = new MyRoleScrollView; if(node&&node->init(nodeArr,cgm,radius)) { node->autorelease(); } else delete node; return node; } void MyRoleScrollView::addRole(CCNode * node) { if(!node) return; if(_nodeArr->count()<this->maxNum) { nodeAndPt * p = new nodeAndPt(node,roleNum); _nodeArr->addObject(p); roleNum++; } refreshPt(); } bool MyRoleScrollView::init(CCArray * nodeArr,int radius) { if(!CCNode::init()) return false; initData(nodeArr,radius); initView(); return true; } void MyRoleScrollView::initData(CCArray * nodeArr,int radius) { if(!nodeArr||nodeArr->count()<1) return; this->cgm = cgm; this->radius = radius; _nodeArr = CCArray::create(); _nodeArr->retain(); for(int i = 0;i<nodeArr->count();i++) { CCNode * node = dynamic_cast<CCNode*>(nodeArr->objectAtIndex(i)); nodeAndPt * p = new nodeAndPt(node,i); _nodeArr->addObject(p); if(i==0) { _currentNode = node; } } roleNum = _nodeArr->count(); refreshPt(); } void MyRoleScrollView::initView() { CCPoint pt = this->getPosition(); for(int i = 0;i<roleNum;i++) { nodeAndPt * p = dynamic_cast<nodeAndPt*>(_nodeArr->objectAtIndex(i)); CCNode *node = p->node; if(i==0) { _currentNode = p->node; // this->recoverFromBalck(dynamic_cast<CCSprite*>(node)); p->node->setScale(1.0f); } else { // this->blackSprite(dynamic_cast<CCSprite*>(node)); p->node->setScale(_scale); } node->setPosition(ptVec[p->ptIndex]); this->addChild(node,i); } schedule(schedule_selector(MyRoleScrollView::updateOnce),0.8f); } void MyRoleScrollView::onEnter() { CCNode::onEnter(); CCDirector::sharedDirector()->getTouchDispatcher()->addTargetedDelegate(this,-1,true); } void MyRoleScrollView::onExit() { CCNode::onExit(); CCDirector::sharedDirector()->getTouchDispatcher()->removeDelegate(this); } bool MyRoleScrollView::ccTouchBegan(CCTouch *pTouch,CCEvent *pEvent) { if(roleNum<2) return false; CCNode * node= _currentNode; CCPoint pt = node->convertToNodeSpace(pTouch->getLocation()); CCRect rect(-node->getContentSize().width,node->getContentSize().width*3,node->getContentSize().height); if(rect.containsPoint(pt)) { isTouchDown = true; beginPt = pTouch->getLocation(); } return true; } void MyRoleScrollView::ccTouchMoved(CCTouch *pTouch,CCEvent *pEvent) { if(!isTouchDown||!isMoveTimeOut) return; CCPoint pt = pTouch->getLocation(); int moveX = pt.x-beginPt.x; if(moveX>50)//向右滑 { isTouchDown = false; for(int i = 0;i<roleNum;i++) { nodeAndPt * p = dynamic_cast<nodeAndPt*>(_nodeArr->objectAtIndex(i)); setPt(p,p->ptIndex+1); } isMoveTimeOut = false; scheduleOnce(schedule_selector(MyRoleScrollView::updateOnce),induration); } else if(moveX<-50)//向左划 { isTouchDown = false; for(int i = 0;i<roleNum;i++) { nodeAndPt * p = dynamic_cast<nodeAndPt*>(_nodeArr->objectAtIndex(i)); setPt(p,p->ptIndex-1); } isMoveTimeOut = false; scheduleOnce(schedule_selector(MyRoleScrollView::updateOnce),induration); } } void MyRoleScrollView::ccTouchEnded(CCTouch *pTouch,CCEvent *pEvent) { isTouchDown = false; } void MyRoleScrollView::ccTouchCancelled(CCTouch *pTouch,CCEvent *pEvent) { } void MyRoleScrollView::refreshPt() { ptVec.clear(); int angle = 360/roleNum; for(int i = 0,j = -90.0f;i<roleNum;i++) { double hudu = j*PIE/180; float g_sin = sin(hudu); float g_cos = cos(hudu); int x = MyRoleScrollView::radius*g_cos; int y = MyRoleScrollView::radius*g_sin*cos(cgm*PIE/180); ptVec.push_back(CCPoint(x,y)); j+=angle; } } void MyRoleScrollView::setPt(nodeAndPt * p,int i) { if(i == -1) i = roleNum-1; else if(i == roleNum) i = 0; ccBezierConfig tr0; float a = p->node->getPosition().x; float b = p->node->getPosition().y; float c = ptVec[i].x; float d = ptVec[i].y; float m = (a+c)/4; float n = (b+d)/4; CCPoint pt1 = ccpAdd(p->node->getPosition(),ccp(m,n)); CCPoint pt2 = ccpAdd(ptVec[i],n)); tr0.endPosition=ptVec[i]; tr0.controlPoint_1=pt1; tr0.controlPoint_2=pt2; if(i==0) { _currentNode = p->node; this->recoverFromBalck(dynamic_cast<CCSprite*>(p->node)); } else { this->blackSprite(dynamic_cast<CCSprite*>(p->node)); } CCActionInterval* bezierForward = CCBezierTo::create(induration,tr0); CCSpawn * sp=NULL; if(i==0) sp = CCSpawn::create(CCScaleTo::create(induration,1),bezierForward,NULL); else sp = CCSpawn::create(CCScaleTo::create(induration,_scale),NULL); p->node->runAction(sp); p->ptIndex = i; } void MyRoleScrollView::blackSprite(CCNode* sprite) { //unsigned int width = sprite->getTexture()->getPixelsWide(); //unsigned int height = sprite->getTexture()->getPixelsHigh(); if(sprite->getChildByTag(SHADE_TAG)!=NULL) return; CCPoint position = sprite->getPosition(); unsigned int width = sprite->getContentSize().width; unsigned int height = sprite->getContentSize().height; CCRenderTexture* r = CCRenderTexture::create(width,height); r->beginWithClear(1,1,0); sprite->setPosition(ccp(width / 2.0,height/ 2.0)); // Node: set position here! sprite->visit(); r->end(); // create a new CCImage CCImage* image = r->newCCImage(); width = image->getWidth(); height= image->getHeight(); // this data is the texture data in memery unsigned char* data = image->getData(); typedef enum { RED = 0,GREEN = 1,BLUE = 2,ALPHA = 3 } PIXELS; // convert unsigned char*(1 Byte) to uint_32_t(4 Bytes) uint32_t *pixels = (uint32_t *)data; for(int y = 0; y < height; y++) { for(int x = 0; x < width; x++) { uint8_t *rgbaPixel = (uint8_t *) &pixels[y * width + x]; uint32_t gray = 0.3 * rgbaPixel[RED] + 0.59 * rgbaPixel[GREEN] + 0.11 * rgbaPixel[BLUE]; //uint32_t gray = 0.3 * rgbaPixel[RED] + 0.3 * rgbaPixel[GREEN] + 0.11 * rgbaPixel[BLUE]; // set the pixels to gray rgbaPixel[RED] = gray; rgbaPixel[GREEN] = gray; rgbaPixel[BLUE] = gray; } } // create a new CCTexture2D based on the CCImage data modified above CCTexture2D* texture = new CCTexture2D(); texture->initWithImage(image); CCSprite * s = CCSprite::create(); s->initWithTexture(texture); // release other resources r->release(); image->release(); CCArray * arrChild = sprite->getChildren(); CCObject *obj; CCARRAY_FOREACH(arrChild,obj) { CCNode * node = dynamic_cast<CCNode*>(obj); node->setVisible(false); } s->setAnchorPoint(ccp(0,0)); s->setPosition(ccp(0,0)); s->setOpacity(200); s->setTag(SHADE_TAG); sprite->addChild(s); sprite->setPosition(position); } void MyRoleScrollView::recoverFromBalck(CCNode* sprite) { if(sprite->getChildByTag(SHADE_TAG)==NULL) return; sprite->removeChildByTag(SHADE_TAG); CCArray * arrChild = sprite->getChildren(); CCObject *obj; CCARRAY_FOREACH(arrChild,obj) { CCNode * node = dynamic_cast<CCNode*>(obj); node->setVisible(true); } } void MyRoleScrollView::updateOnce(float t) { isMoveTimeOut = true; for(int i = 0;i<roleNum;i++) { nodeAndPt * p = dynamic_cast<nodeAndPt*>(_nodeArr->objectAtIndex(i)); setPt(p,p->ptIndex+1); } isMoveTimeOut = false; }