Usage of Container
GUI widgets can be divided into two general kinds- Normal Widget
and Container Widget
. Normal widgets
are some common widgets such as Button,Text,Slider and TextField,etc. Container widgets
are Layout,ScrollView and PageView,etc. Container widgets
are special as they are widgets that can contain other widgets to enhance the user interface.
Layout (Panel)
Panel as primary container,it's the base to create UI by the CocoStudio editor. It's important to know Panel and its properties. The corresponding widget of Panel is named Layout.
In C++:
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Layout* background = static_cast<Layout*>(root->getChildByName("background_Panel")); // Create the layout Layout* layout = Layout::create(); layout->setContentSize(Size(280,150)); Size backgroundSize = background->getContentSize(); layout->setPosition(Vec2((widgetSize.width - backgroundSize.width) / 2.0f + (backgroundSize.width - layout->getContentSize().width) / 2.0f,(widgetSize.height - backgroundSize.height) / 2.0f + (backgroundSize.height - layout->getContentSize().height) / 2.0f)); _uiLayer->addChild(layout); Button* button = Button::create("cocosui/animationbuttonnormal.png","cocosui/animationbuttonpressed.png"); button->setPosition(Vec2(button->getContentSize().width / 2.0f,layout->getContentSize().height - button->getContentSize().height / 2.0f)); layout->addChild(button); Button* titleButton = Button::create("cocosui/backtotopnormal.png","cocosui/backtotoppressed.png"); titleButton->setTitleText("Title Button"); titleButton->setPosition(Vec2(layout->getContentSize().width / 2.0f,layout->getContentSize().height / 2.0f)); layout->addChild(titleButton); Button* button_scale9 = Button::create("cocosui/button.png","cocosui/buttonHighlighted.png"); button_scale9->setScale9Enabled(true); button_scale9->setContentSize(Size(100.0f,button_scale9->getVirtualRendererSize().height)); button_scale9->setPosition(Vec2(layout->getContentSize().width - button_scale9->getContentSize().width / 2.0f,button_scale9->getContentSize().height / 2.0f)); layout->addChild(button_scale9); |
In Lua:
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local background = root:getChildByName("background_Panel") local layout = ccui.Layout:create() layout:setContentSize(cc.size(280,150)) local backgroundSize = background:getContentSize() layout:setPosition(cc.p((widgetSize.width - backgroundSize.width) / 2 + (backgroundSize.width - layout:getContentSize().width) / 2,(widgetSize.height - backgroundSize.height) / 2 + (backgroundSize.height - layout:getContentSize().height) / 2)) self._uiLayer:addChild(layout) local button = ccui.Button:create() button:setTouchEnabled(true) button:loadTextures("cocosui/animationbuttonnormal.png","cocosui/animationbuttonpressed.png","") button:setPosition(cc.p(button:getContentSize().width / 2,layout:getContentSize().height - button:getContentSize().height / 2)) layout:addChild(button) local textButton = ccui.Button:create() textButton:setTouchEnabled(true) textButton:loadTextures("cocosui/backtotopnormal.png","cocosui/backtotoppressed.png","") textButton:setTitleText("Text Button") textButton:setPosition(cc.p(layout:getContentSize().width / 2,layout:getContentSize().height / 2)) layout:addChild(textButton) local button_scale9 = ccui.Button:create() button_scale9:setTouchEnabled(true) button_scale9:loadTextures("cocosui/button.png","cocosui/buttonHighlighted.png","") button_scale9:setScale9Enabled(true) button_scale9:setContentSize(cc.size(100,button_scale9:getVirtualRendererSize().height)) button_scale9:setPosition(cc.p(layout:getContentSize().width - button_scale9:getContentSize().width / 2,button_scale9:getContentSize().height / 2)) layout:addChild(button_scale9) |
We created a layout
widget and then added three widgets to it.
We give a size of the layout by setting size
value,but we don't get what we want because the color of the layout default is transparent. However,we can set color for this layout:
In C++:
1 2 |
layout->setBackGroundColorType(BackGroundColorType::SOLID); layout->setBackGroundColor(Color3B(128,128,128)); |
In Lua:
1 2 |
layout:setBackGroundColorType(ccui.LayoutBackGroundColorType.solid) layout:setBackGroundColor(cc.c3b(128,128)) |
You can also set background image:
In C++:
1 |
In Lua:
1 |
layout:setBackGroundImage("cocosui/Hello.png") |
As shown above,we set the size and background image,but remember to call setClippingEnabled
method to clip by size,if you forget to call this method you will see:
There are other ways to do the same thing:
In C++:
1 2 |
layout->setBackGroundImageScale9Enabled(true); layout->setBackGroundImage("cocosgui/green_edit.png"); |
In Lua:
1 2 |
layout:setBackGroundImageScale9Enabled(true) layout:setBackGroundImage("cocosui/green_edit.png") |
When using square images as background image,remember to enable this function.
has three modes to display color.
LayoutBackGroundColorType@H_609_502@ | Desription@H_609_502@ |
BackGroundColorType::NONE | Transparent,no displaying color |
BackGroundColorType::SOLID | Solid,set displaying color |
BackGroundColorType::GRADIENT | Displaying gradient color |
UIPanel Widget's Layout Strategies
is for layout. Above we are just changing the background image. The table below shows you how to set the absolute position manually for other layout schemes:
LayoutType@H_609_502@ | Description@H_609_502@ |
Type::ABSOLUTE | Absolute Layout Scheme |
Type::VERTICAL | Linear Vertical Scheme |
Type::HORIZONTAL | Linear Horizontal Scheme |
Type::RELATIVE | Relative Layout Scheme |
In C++:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 |
layout->setLayoutType(Type::VERTICAL); // Another way layout->setLayoutType(Type::HORIZONTAL); // Another way layout->setLayoutType(Type::RELATIVE); |
In Lua:
1 2 3 |
Note: In addition to absolute layout scheme,if you set other scheme then UIPanel will ignore the position setting of the inside widget. You can use LayoutParameter
to set position in this situation,the layout schemes provide serval parameters-LinearLayoutParameter
and RelativeLayoutParameter
. The following code shows how to combine these parameters and layout to design the UI.
In C++:
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// Create the layout Layout* layout = Layout::create(); layout->setLayoutType(LayoutType::VERTICAL); layout->setContentSize(Size(280,(widgetSize.height - backgroundSize.height) / 2.0f + (backgroundSize.height - layout->getContentSize().height) / 2.0f)); _uiLayer->addChild(layout); Button* button = Button::create("cocosui/animationbuttonnormal.png","cocosui/animationbuttonpressed.png"); layout->addChild(button); LinearLayoutParameter* lp1 = LinearLayoutParameter::create(); button->setLayoutParameter(lp1); lp1->setGravity(LinearLayoutParameter::LinearGravity::CENTER_HORIZONTAL); lp1->setMargin(Margin(0.0f,5.0f,0.0f,10.0f)); Button* titleButton = Button::create("cocosui/backtotopnormal.png","cocosui/backtotoppressed.png"); titleButton->setTitleText("Title Button"); layout->addChild(titleButton); LinearLayoutParameter* lp2 = LinearLayoutParameter::create(); titleButton->setLayoutParameter(lp2); lp2->setGravity(LinearLayoutParameter::LinearGravity::CENTER_HORIZONTAL); lp2->setMargin(Margin(0.0f,10.0f,10.0f)); Button* button_scale9 = Button::create("cocosui/button.png",button_scale9->getVirtualRendererSize().height)); layout->addChild(button_scale9); LinearLayoutParameter* lp3 = LinearLayoutParameter::create(); button_scale9->setLayoutParameter(lp3); lp3->setGravity(LinearLayoutParameter::LinearGravity::CENTER_HORIZONTAL); lp3->setMargin(Margin(0.0f,10.0f)); |
In Lua:
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local layout = ccui.Layout:create() layout:setLayoutType(ccui.LayoutType.VERTICAL) layout:setContentSize(cc.size(280,"") layout:addChild(button) local lp1 = ccui.LinearLayoutParameter:create() button:setLayoutParameter(lp1) lp1:setGravity(ccui.LinearGravity.centerHorizontal) lp1:setMargin({ left = 0,top = 5,right = 0,bottom = 10 }) local textButton = ccui.Button:create() textButton:setTouchEnabled(true) textButton:loadTextures("cocosui/backtotopnormal.png","") textButton:setTitleText("Text Button") layout:addChild(textButton) local lp2 = ccui.LinearLayoutParameter:create() textButton:setLayoutParameter(lp2) lp2:setGravity(ccui.LinearGravity.centerHorizontal) lp2:setMargin({left = 0,top = 10,bottom = 10} ) local button_scale9 = ccui.Button:create() button_scale9:setTouchEnabled(true) button_scale9:loadTextures("cocosui/button.png",button_scale9:getVirtualRendererSize().height)) layout:addChild(button_scale9) local lp3 = ccui.LinearLayoutParameter:create() button_scale9:setLayoutParameter(lp3) lp3:setGravity(ccui.LinearGravity.centerHorizontal) lp3:setMargin({ left = 0,bottom = 10 } ) |
Setting three parameters for layout - LinearLayoutParameter
, Gravity
and Margin
,then set layout parameters for three UIPanel's inner widgets.
Here we used Linear Vertical scheme,but every Gravity
set as LinearLayoutParameter::LinearGravity::CENTER_HORIZONTAL
that is displaying as center horizontally. Margin shows the spacing around the edges,notice that the value of lp2
is UIMargin(20,20,5)
,which means the spacing from left,top,right and button. When left spacing is 20 you can see textButton
's position has little offset to right. Except for the direction,other setting of layout vertical scheme is same as horizontal scheme. And two schemes are called Linear Layout,they using the same parameters. Checking out following layout:
In C++:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 |
// Create the layout Layout* layout = Layout::create(); layout->setLayoutType(LayoutType::RELATIVE); layout->setContentSize(Size(280,150)); layout->setBackGroundColorType(Layout::BackGroundColorType::SOLID); layout->setBackGroundColor(Color3B::GREEN); Size backgroundSize = background->getContentSize(); layout->setPosition(Vec2((widgetSize.width - backgroundSize.width) / 2.0f + (backgroundSize.width - layout->getContentSize().width) / 2.0f,(widgetSize.height - backgroundSize.height) / 2.0f + (backgroundSize.height - layout->getContentSize().height) / 2.0f)); _uiLayer->addChild(layout); // top left Button* button_TopLeft = Button::create("cocosui/animationbuttonnormal.png","cocosui/animationbuttonpressed.png"); layout->addChild(button_TopLeft); RelativeLayoutParameter* rp_TopLeft = RelativeLayoutParameter::create(); rp_TopLeft->setAlign(RelativeLayoutParameter::RelativeAlign::PARENT_TOP_LEFT); button_TopLeft->setLayoutParameter(rp_TopLeft); // top center horizontal Button* button_TopCenter = Button::create("cocosui/animationbuttonnormal.png","cocosui/animationbuttonpressed.png"); layout->addChild(button_TopCenter); RelativeLayoutParameter* rp_TopCenter = RelativeLayoutParameter::create(); rp_TopCenter->setAlign(RelativeLayoutParameter::RelativeAlign::PARENT_TOP_CENTER_HORIZONTAL); button_TopCenter->setLayoutParameter(rp_TopCenter); // top right Button* button_TopRight = Button::create("cocosui/animationbuttonnormal.png","cocosui/animationbuttonpressed.png"); layout->addChild(button_TopRight); RelativeLayoutParameter* rp_TopRight = RelativeLayoutParameter::create(); rp_TopRight->setAlign(RelativeLayoutParameter::RelativeAlign::PARENT_TOP_RIGHT); button_TopRight->setLayoutParameter(rp_TopRight); // left center Button* button_LeftCenter = Button::create("cocosui/animationbuttonnormal.png","cocosui/animationbuttonpressed.png"); layout->addChild(button_LeftCenter); RelativeLayoutParameter* rp_LeftCenter = RelativeLayoutParameter::create(); rp_LeftCenter->setAlign(RelativeLayoutParameter::RelativeAlign::PARENT_LEFT_CENTER_VERTICAL); button_LeftCenter->setLayoutParameter(rp_LeftCenter); // center Button* buttonCenter = Button::create("cocosui/animationbuttonnormal.png","cocosui/animationbuttonpressed.png"); layout->addChild(buttonCenter); RelativeLayoutParameter* rpCenter = RelativeLayoutParameter::create(); rpCenter->setAlign(RelativeLayoutParameter::RelativeAlign::CENTER_IN_PARENT); buttonCenter->setLayoutParameter(rpCenter); // right center Button* button_RightCenter = Button::create("cocosui/animationbuttonnormal.png","cocosui/animationbuttonpressed.png"); layout->addChild(button_RightCenter); RelativeLayoutParameter* rp_RightCenter = RelativeLayoutParameter::create(); rp_RightCenter->setAlign(RelativeLayoutParameter::RelativeAlign::PARENT_RIGHT_CENTER_VERTICAL); button_RightCenter->setLayoutParameter(rp_RightCenter); // left bottom Button* button_LeftBottom = Button::create("cocosui/animationbuttonnormal.png","cocosui/animationbuttonpressed.png"); layout->addChild(button_LeftBottom); RelativeLayoutParameter* rp_LeftBottom = RelativeLayoutParameter::create(); rp_LeftBottom->setAlign(RelativeLayoutParameter::RelativeAlign::PARENT_LEFT_BOTTOM); button_LeftBottom->setLayoutParameter(rp_LeftBottom); // bottom center Button* button_BottomCenter = Button::create("cocosui/animationbuttonnormal.png","cocosui/animationbuttonpressed.png"); layout->addChild(button_BottomCenter); RelativeLayoutParameter* rp_BottomCenter = RelativeLayoutParameter::create(); rp_BottomCenter->setAlign(RelativeLayoutParameter::RelativeAlign::PARENT_BOTTOM_CENTER_HORIZONTAL); button_BottomCenter->setLayoutParameter(rp_BottomCenter); // right bottom Button* button_RightBottom = Button::create("cocosui/animationbuttonnormal.png","cocosui/animationbuttonpressed.png"); layout->addChild(button_RightBottom); RelativeLayoutParameter* rp_RightBottom = RelativeLayoutParameter::create(); rp_RightBottom->setAlign(RelativeLayoutParameter::RelativeAlign::PARENT_RIGHT_BOTTOM); button_RightBottom->setLayoutParameter(rp_RightBottom); |
Here created three layout properties,and setted different Align
In addition to layout container,scroll view is always been used,it can enlarge the displaying widget and it's very useful when content elements increased. You can set different direction as you like.
In C++:
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// Create the scrollview by vertical ui::ScrollView* scrollView = ui::ScrollView::create(); scrollView->setContentSize(Size(280.0f,150.0f)); Size backgroundSize = background->getContentSize(); scrollView->setPosition(Vec2((widgetSize.width - backgroundSize.width) / 2.0f + (backgroundSize.width - scrollView->getContentSize().width) / 2.0f,(widgetSize.height - backgroundSize.height) / 2.0f + (backgroundSize.height - scrollView->getContentSize().height) / 2.0f)); _uiLayer->addChild(scrollView); ImageView* imageView = ImageView::create("cocosui/ccicon.png"); float innerWidth = scrollView->getContentSize().width; float innerHeight = scrollView->getContentSize().height + imageView->getContentSize().height; scrollView->setInnerContainerSize(Size(innerWidth,innerHeight)); Button* button = Button::create("cocosui/animationbuttonnormal.png","cocosui/animationbuttonpressed.png"); button->setPosition(Vec2(innerWidth / 2.0f,scrollView->getInnerContainerSize().height - button->getContentSize().height / 2.0f)); scrollView->addChild(button); Button* titleButton = Button::create("cocosui/backtotopnormal.png","cocosui/backtotoppressed.png"); titleButton->setTitleText("Title Button"); titleButton->setPosition(Vec2(innerWidth / 2.0f,button->getBottomBoundary() - button->getContentSize().height)); scrollView->addChild(titleButton); Button* button_scale9 = Button::create("cocosui/button.png",button_scale9->getVirtualRendererSize().height)); button_scale9->setPosition(Vec2(innerWidth / 2.0f,titleButton->getBottomBoundary() - titleButton->getContentSize().height)); scrollView->addChild(button_scale9); imageView->setPosition(Vec2(innerWidth / 2.0f,imageView->getContentSize().height / 2.0f)); scrollView->addChild(imageView); |
In Lua:
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local scrollView = ccui.ScrollView:create() scrollView:setTouchEnabled(true) scrollView:setContentSize(cc.size(280,150)) local backgroundSize = background:getContentSize() scrollView:setPosition(cc.p((widgetSize.width - backgroundSize.width) / 2 + (backgroundSize.width - scrollView:getContentSize().width) / 2,(widgetSize.height - backgroundSize.height) / 2 + (backgroundSize.height - scrollView:getContentSize().height) / 2)) self._uiLayer:addChild(scrollView) local imageView = ccui.ImageView:create() imageView:loadTexture("cocosui/ccicon.png") local innerWidth = scrollView:getContentSize().width local innerHeight = scrollView:getContentSize().height + imageView:getContentSize().height scrollView:setInnerContainerSize(cc.size(innerWidth,innerHeight)) local button = ccui.Button:create() button:setTouchEnabled(true) button:loadTextures("cocosui/animationbuttonnormal.png","") button:setPosition(cc.p(innerWidth / 2,scrollView:getInnerContainerSize().height - button:getContentSize().height / 2)) scrollView:addChild(button) local textButton = ccui.Button:create() textButton:setTouchEnabled(true) textButton:loadTextures("cocosui/backtotopnormal.png","") textButton:setTitleText("Text Button") textButton:setPosition(cc.p(innerWidth / 2,button:getBottomBoundary() - button:getContentSize().height)) scrollView:addChild(textButton) local button_scale9 = ccui.Button:create() button_scale9:setTouchEnabled(true) button_scale9:setScale9Enabled(true) button_scale9:loadTextures("cocosui/button.png","") button_scale9:setContentSize(cc.size(100,button_scale9:getVirtualRendererSize().height)) button_scale9:setPosition(cc.p(innerWidth / 2,textButton:getBottomBoundary() - textButton:getContentSize().height)) scrollView:addChild(button_scale9) imageView:setPosition(cc.p(innerWidth / 2,imageView:getContentSize().height / 2)) scrollView:addChild(imageView) |
As the image shows,we created a ScrollView widget and added some inner elements to it. The content is too much that out of the display area,in this situation we can drag the view up and down to show the content.
Note: imageView's position is set outside of scrollview,besides you can call the scrollview's setInnerContainerSize method resize the content displaying area. Checking boundary when dragging.
If horizontal drag is set,then we just need to set InnerContainerSize's width larger than widget's,height equal to widget's. In this way you can drag it horizontally.
ListView inherited from ScrollView,so ScrollView's characters also can be shown in ListView. Let's see the difference between ListView and ScrollView:
In C++:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 |
ListView* lv = UIListView::create(); Button* model = Button::create(); model->loadTextures("cocosgui/animationbuttonnormal.png","cocosgui/animationbuttonpressed.png",""); lv->setItemModel(model); for (int i=0; i<20; i++) { lv->pushBackDefaultItem(); } lv->setItemsMargin(10); lv->setGravity(ListView::Gravity::CENTER_HORIZONTAL); lv->setSize(Size(100,100)); lv->setBackGroundColorType(LAYOUT_COLOR_SOLID); lv->setBackGroundColor(Color3B::GREEN); lv->setPosition(Point(100,100)); m_pUiLayer->addWidget(lv); |
In Lua:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 |
local listView = ccui.ListView:create() -- set list view ex direction listView:setDirection(ccui.ScrollViewDir.vertical) listView:setBounceEnabled(true) listView:setBackGroundImage("cocosui/green_edit.png") listView:setBackGroundImageScale9Enabled(true) listView:setContentSize(cc.size(240,130)) listView:setPosition(cc.p((widgetSize.width - backgroundSize.width) / 2.0 + (backgroundSize.width - listView:getContentSize().width) / 2.0,(widgetSize.height - backgroundSize.height) / 2.0 + (backgroundSize.height - listView:getContentSize().height) / 2.0)) listView:addEventListener(listViewEvent) listView:addScrollViewEventListener(scrollViewEvent) self._uiLayer:addChild(listView) -- create model local default_button = ccui.Button:create("cocosui/backtotoppressed.png","cocosui/backtotopnormal.png") default_button:setName("Title Button") local default_item = ccui.Layout:create() default_item:setTouchEnabled(true) default_item:setContentSize(default_button:getContentSize()) default_button:setPosition(cc.p(default_item:getContentSize().width / 2.0,default_item:getContentSize().height / 2.0)) default_item:addChild(default_button) --set model listView:setItemModel(default_item) --add default item local count = table.getn(array) for i = 1,math.floor(count / 4) do listView:pushBackDefaultItem() end |
As shown above,it's the implementation like ScrollView. There are twenty buttons can be dragged,by setting every element's space with ItemsMargin
and Gravity
make them displaying in the center horizontally.
set Default Item for ListView,then added twenty times this Default Item by a for loop. Notice that it doesn't mean the same model has been added twenty times but there are twenty new object which are the clone of the original model.
is not the only item that can be added to ListView,there are others:
Method@H_609_502@ | Description@H_609_502@ |
pushBackDefaultItem() | Add a Default Item |
insertDefaultItem(int index) | Insert a sorted Default Item |
pushBackCustomItem(UIWidget* item) | Add a new Item |
insertCustomItem(UIWidget* item,int index) | Insert a new Item |
Some method to add Item already described in above table,now introduce you some delete and get method:
Method@H_609_502@ | Description@H_609_502@ |
removeItem(int index) | Remove a Item |
removeLastItem() | Remove the last Item |
getItem(unsigned int index) | Get a Item by Index |
getItems() | Get all the Items and return Array |
getIndex(UIWidget *item) | Get a Item's Index |
We talked about ScrollView and some widget can display list,still PageView can display entire page one time. Moreover,it can auto align-just like when you turning the over page it will help you done it.
In C++:
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// Create the page view PageView* pageView = PageView::create(); pageView->setContentSize(Size(240.0f,130.0f)); Size backgroundSize = background->getContentSize(); pageView->setPosition(Vec2((widgetSize.width - backgroundSize.width) / 2.0f + (backgroundSize.width - pageView->getContentSize().width) / 2.0f,(widgetSize.height - backgroundSize.height) / 2.0f + (backgroundSize.height - pageView->getContentSize().height) / 2.0f)); pageView->removeAllPages(); int pageCount = 4; for (int i = 0; i < pageCount; ++i) { Layout* layout = Layout::create(); layout->setContentSize(Size(240.0f,130.0f)); ImageView* imageView = ImageView::create("cocosui/scrollviewbg.png"); imageView->setScale9Enabled(true); imageView->setContentSize(Size(240,130)); imageView->setPosition(Vec2(layout->getContentSize().width / 2.0f,layout->getContentSize().height / 2.0f)); layout->addChild(imageView); Text* label = Text::create(StringUtils::format("page %d",(i+1)),"fonts/Marker Felt.ttf",30); label->setColor(Color3B(192,192,192)); label->setPosition(Vec2(layout->getContentSize().width / 2.0f,layout->getContentSize().height / 2.0f)); layout->addChild(label); pageView->insertPage(layout,i); } pageView->removePageAtIndex(0); pageView->scrollToPage(pageCount-2); pageView->addEventListener(CC_CALLBACK_2(UIPageViewTest::pageViewEvent,this)); _uiLayer->addChild(pageView); |
In Lua:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 |
local pageView = ccui.PageView:create() pageView:setTouchEnabled(true) pageView:setContentSize(cc.size(240,130)) local backgroundSize = background:getContentSize() pageView:setPosition(cc.p((widgetSize.width - backgroundSize.width) / 2 + (backgroundSize.width - pageView:getContentSize().width) / 2,(widgetSize.height - backgroundSize.height) / 2 + (backgroundSize.height - pageView:getContentSize().height) / 2)) for i = 1,3 do local layout = ccui.Layout:create() layout:setContentSize(cc.size(240,130)) local imageView = ccui.ImageView:create() imageView:setTouchEnabled(true) imageView:setScale9Enabled(true) imageView:loadTexture("cocosui/scrollviewbg.png") imageView:setContentSize(cc.size(240,130)) imageView:setPosition(cc.p(layout:getContentSize().width / 2,layout:getContentSize().height / 2)) layout:addChild(imageView) local label = ccui.Text:create() local pageInfo = string.format("page %d",i) label:setString(pageInfo) label:setFontName(font_UIPageViewTest) label:setFontSize(30) label:setColor(cc.c3b(192,192)) label:setPosition(cc.p(layout:getContentSize().width / 2,layout:getContentSize().height / 2)) layout:addChild(label) pageView:addPage(layout) end local function pageViewEvent(sender,eventType) if eventType == ccui.PageViewEventType.turning then local pageView = sender local pageInfo = string.format("page %d ",pageView:getCurPageIndex() + 1) self._displayValueLabel:setString(pageInfo) end end pageView:addEventListener(pageViewEvent) self._uiLayer:addChild(pageView) |
As shown,a PageView object created and size is "Size(240,130)",which is display area. We added three same Layout and each of them has the same size "Size(240,130)" so PageView can display the entire content of a Item one time. You can added what you need in Layout,then add a page by pageView->addPage(layout)
. You should remember you have to add Layout
object or its derived class object.
Although PageView implemented scroll,it is not inherited from ScrollView but Layout. So does ScrollView.
Every single widget make a GUI scene,the container is the skeleton,according to its layout to reach out expectation. Using Panel,ScrollView,ListView and PageView can make a better and friendly GUI.