

//引用 封装的CCRippleSprite.h 类()

//  pgeRippleSprite.h
//  rippleDemo
//  Created by Lars Birkemose on 02/12/11.
//  Copyright 2011 Protec Electronics. All rights reserved.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// import headers

#include "cocos2d.h"
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// defines

#define RIPPLE_DEFAULT_QUAD_COUNT_X             60
#define RIPPLE_DEFAULT_QUAD_COUNT_Y             40

#define RIPPLE_BASE_GAIN                        0.1f        // an internal constant

#define RIPPLE_DEFAULT_RADIUS                   100
#define RIPPLE_DEFAULT_RIPPLE_CYCLE             0.25f       // timing on ripple ( 1/frequenzy )
#define RIPPLE_DEFAULT_LIFESPAN                 1.4f        // entire ripple lifespan

// #define RIPPLE_BOUNCE                                       // makes ripples bounce off edges
#define RIPPLE_CHILD_MODIFIER                   2.0f        // strength modifier

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// typedefs

typedef enum {
    RIPPLE_TYPE_RUBBER,// a soft rubber sheet
    RIPPLE_TYPE_GEL,// high viscosity fluid
    RIPPLE_TYPE_WATER,// low viscosity fluid

typedef enum {


typedef struct _rippleData {
    bool                    parent;                         // ripple is a parent
    bool                    childCreated[ 4 ];              // child created ( in the 4 direction )
    RIPPLE_TYPE             rippleType;                     // type of ripple ( se update: )
    CCPoint                 center;                         // ripple center ( but you just knew that,didn't you? )
    CCPoint                 centerCoordinate;               // ripple center in texture coordinates
    float                   radius;                         // radius at which ripple has faded 100%
    float                   strength;                       // ripple strength
    float                   runtime;                        // current run time
    float                   currentRadius;                  // current radius
    float                   rippleCycle;                    // ripple cycle timing
    float                   lifespan;                       // total life span
} rippleData;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// interface

class pgeRippleSprite : public CCSprite,public CCTargetedTouchDelegate {
   //static methods:
    static pgeRippleSprite* create(const char * filename);
    static pgeRippleSprite* create(CCRenderTexture* rtt,float scale);
    bool initWithFile(const char* filename);
    bool initWithRendertexture(CCRenderTexture* rtt,float scale);
    void tesselate();
    void addRipple(CCPoint pos,RIPPLE_TYPE type,float strength);
    void addRippleChild(rippleData* parent,RIPPLE_CHILD type);
    void update(float dt);
    CCTexture2D* spriteTexture();
    virtual void draw();
    virtual void onEnterTransitionDidFinish();
    virtual void onExit();
    virtual bool ccTouchBegan(CCTouch *pTouch,CCEvent *pEvent);
    virtual void ccTouchMoved(CCTouch *pTouch,CCEvent *pEvent);
    virtual void ccTouchEnded(CCTouch *pTouch,CCEvent *pEvent);
    virtual void ccTouchCancelled(CCTouch *pTouch,CCEvent *pEvent);
    bool isPointInsideSprite(CCPoint pos);
    bool isTouchInsideSprite(CCTouch* pTouch);
    CCTexture2D*            m_texture;
    int                     m_quadCountX;                   // quad count in x and y direction
    int                     m_quadCountY;
    int                     m_VerticesPrStrip;              // number of vertices in a strip
    int                     m_bufferSize;                   // vertice buffer size
    CCPoint*                m_vertice;                      // vertices
    CCPoint*                m_textureCoordinate;            // texture coordinates ( original )
    CCPoint*                m_rippleCoordinate;             // texture coordinates ( ripple corrected )
    bool*                   m_edgeVertice;                  // vertice is a border vertice
    vector<rippleData*>     m_rippleList;                   // list of running ripples
    CCPoint screenSize;
    float scaleRTT;
    float runTime;


//  CCRippleSprite.cpp
//  RippleDemo-x
//  Created by guanghui on 7/30/13.

#include "CCRippleSprite.h"
#include <string>

using namespace std;

pgeRippleSprite* pgeRippleSprite::create(const char * filename)
    pgeRippleSprite *pSprite = new pgeRippleSprite();
    if (pSprite && pSprite->initWithFile(filename)) {
        return pSprite;
        delete pSprite;
        pSprite = NULL;
        return NULL;

    rippleData* runningRipple;
    for (int count = 0; count < m_rippleList.size(); count++) {
        runningRipple = m_rippleList.at(count);
bool pgeRippleSprite::initWithFile(const char* filename)
    bool bRet = true;
    do {
        if (!CCSprite::init()) {
            bRet = false;
        scaleRTT = 1.0f;
        //load texture
        m_texture = CCTextureCache::sharedTextureCache()->addImage(filename);
        //reset internal data
        m_vertice = NULL;
        m_textureCoordinate = NULL;
        //builds the vertice and texture-coordinate array
        m_quadCountX = RIPPLE_DEFAULT_QUAD_COUNT_X;
        m_quadCountY = RIPPLE_DEFAULT_QUAD_COUNT_Y;
       screenSize = ccp(m_texture->getContentSize().width / scaleRTT,m_texture->getContentSize().height / scaleRTT);
    } while (0);
    return bRet;


void pgeRippleSprite::tesselate()
    int vertexPos = 0;
    CCPoint normalized;
    // clear buffers ( yeah,clearing nil buffers first time around )
    free( m_vertice );
    free( m_textureCoordinate );
    free( m_rippleCoordinate );
    free( m_edgeVertice );
    // calculate vertices pr strip
    m_VerticesPrStrip = 2 * ( m_quadCountX + 1 );
    // calculate buffer size
    m_bufferSize = m_VerticesPrStrip * m_quadCountY;
    // allocate buffers
    m_vertice = (CCPoint*)malloc( m_bufferSize * sizeof( CCPoint ) );
    m_textureCoordinate = (CCPoint*)malloc( m_bufferSize * sizeof( CCPoint ) );
    m_rippleCoordinate = (CCPoint*)malloc( m_bufferSize * sizeof( CCPoint ) );
    m_edgeVertice = (bool*)malloc( m_bufferSize * sizeof( bool ) );
    // reset vertice pointer
    vertexPos = 0;
    // create all vertices and default texture coordinates
    // scan though y quads,and create an x-oriented triangle strip for each
    for ( int y = 0; y < m_quadCountY; y ++ ) {
        // x counts to quadcount + 1,because number of vertices is number of quads + 1
        for ( int x = 0; x < ( m_quadCountX + 1 ); x ++ ) {
            // for each x vertex,an upper and lower y position is calculated,to create the triangle strip
            // upper + lower + upper + lower
            for ( int yy = 0; yy < 2; yy ++ ) {
                // first simply calculate a normalized position into rectangle
                normalized.x = ( float )x / ( float )m_quadCountX;
                normalized.y = ( float )( y + yy ) / ( float )m_quadCountY;
                // calculate vertex by multiplying rectangle ( texture ) size
                m_vertice[vertexPos] = ccp(normalized.x * m_texture->getContentSize().width / scaleRTT,normalized.y *
                                           m_texture->getContentSize().height / scaleRTT );
                // adjust texture coordinates according to texture size
                // as a texture is always in the power of 2,maxS and maxT are the fragment of the size actually used
                // invert y on texture coordinates
                m_textureCoordinate[vertexPos] = ccp(normalized.x * m_texture->getMaxS(),m_texture->getMaxT() - normalized.y *
                // check if vertice is an edge vertice,because edge vertices are never modified to keep outline consistent
                m_edgeVertice[ vertexPos ] = (
                                              ( x == 0 ) ||
                                              ( x == m_quadCountX ) ||
                                              ( ( y == 0 ) && ( yy == 0 ) ) ||
                                              ( ( y == ( m_quadCountY - 1 ) ) && ( yy > 0 ) ) );
                // next buffer pos
                vertexPos ++;
void pgeRippleSprite::addRipple(CCPoint pos,float strength)
    rippleData* newRipple;
    // allocate new ripple
    newRipple = (rippleData*)malloc( sizeof( rippleData ) );
    // initialize ripple
    newRipple->parent = true;
    for ( int count = 0; count < 4; count ++ ) newRipple->childCreated[ count ] = false;
    newRipple->rippleType = type;
    newRipple->center = pos;
    newRipple->centerCoordinate = ccp(pos.x / m_texture->getContentSize().width * m_texture->getMaxS() / scaleRTT,m_texture->getMaxT() - (pos.y / m_texture->getContentSize().height * m_texture->getMaxT()/scaleRTT));
    newRipple->radius = RIPPLE_DEFAULT_RADIUS; // * strength;
    newRipple->strength = strength;
    newRipple->runtime = 0;
    newRipple->currentRadius = 0;
    newRipple->rippleCycle = RIPPLE_DEFAULT_RIPPLE_CYCLE;
    newRipple->lifespan = RIPPLE_DEFAULT_LIFESPAN;
    // add ripple to running list
void pgeRippleSprite::addRippleChild(rippleData* parent,RIPPLE_CHILD type)
    rippleData* newRipple;
    CCPoint pos;
    //CGSize screenSize = [CCDirector sharedDirector].winSize;
    // allocate new ripple
    newRipple = (rippleData*)malloc( sizeof( rippleData ) );
    // new ripple is pretty much a copy of its parent
    memcpy( newRipple,parent,sizeof( rippleData ) );
    // not a parent
    newRipple->parent = false;
    // mirror position
    switch ( type ) {
        case RIPPLE_CHILD_LEFT:
            pos = ccp( -parent->center.x,parent->center.y );
        case RIPPLE_CHILD_TOP:
            pos = ccp( parent->center.x,screenSize.y + ( screenSize.y - parent->center.y ) );
        case RIPPLE_CHILD_RIGHT:
            pos = ccp( screenSize.x + ( screenSize.x - parent->center.x ),parent->center.y );
            pos = ccp( parent->center.x,-parent->center.y );
    newRipple->center = pos;
    newRipple->centerCoordinate = ccp(pos.x / m_texture->getContentSize().width * m_texture->getMaxS(),m_texture->getMaxT() - (pos.y / m_texture->getContentSize().height * m_texture->getMaxT()));
    newRipple->strength *= RIPPLE_CHILD_MODIFIER;
    // indicate child used
    parent->childCreated[ type ] = true;
    // add ripple to running list

void pgeRippleSprite::update(float dt)
    //runTime += dt;
    rippleData* ripple;
    CCPoint pos;
    float distance,correction;
    //CGSize screenSize = [CCDirector sharedDirector].winSize;
    // test if any ripples at all
    if ( m_rippleList.size() == 0 ) return;
    // ripples are simulated by altering texture coordinates
    // on all updates,an entire new array is calculated from the base array
    // not maintainng an original set of texture coordinates,could result in accumulated errors
    memcpy( m_rippleCoordinate,m_textureCoordinate,m_bufferSize * sizeof( CCPoint ) );
    // scan through running ripples
    // the scan is backwards,so that ripples can be removed on the fly
    for ( int count = ( m_rippleList.size() - 1 ); count >= 0; count -- ) {
        // get ripple data
        ripple = m_rippleList[count];
        // scan through all texture coordinates
        for ( int count = 0; count < m_bufferSize; count ++ ) {
            // dont modify edge vertices
            if ( m_edgeVertice[ count ] == false ) {
                // calculate distance
                // you might think it would be faster to do a Box check first
                // but it really isnt,// ccpDistance is like my sexlife - BAM! - and its all over
                distance = ccpDistance( ripple->center,m_vertice[ count ] );
                // only modify vertices within range
                if ( distance <= ripple->currentRadius ) {
                    // load the texture coordinate into an easy to use var
                    pos = m_rippleCoordinate[ count ];
                    // calculate a ripple
                    switch ( ripple->rippleType ) {
                        case RIPPLE_TYPE_RUBBER:
                            // method A
                            // calculate a sinus,based only on time
                            // this will make the ripples look like poking a soft rubber sheet,since sinus position is fixed
                            correction = sinf( 2 * M_PI * ripple->runtime / ripple->rippleCycle );
                        case RIPPLE_TYPE_GEL:
                            // method B
                            // calculate a sinus,based both on time and distance
                            // this will look more like a high viscosity fluid,since sinus will travel with radius
                            correction = sinf( 2 * M_PI * ( ripple->currentRadius - distance ) / ripple->radius * ripple->lifespan / ripple->rippleCycle );
                        case RIPPLE_TYPE_WATER:
                            // method c
                            // like method b,but faded for time and distance to center
                            // this will look more like a low viscosity fluid,like water
                            correction = ( ripple->radius * ripple->rippleCycle / ripple->lifespan ) / ( ripple->currentRadius - distance );
                            if ( correction > 1.0f ) correction = 1.0f;
                            // fade center of quicker
                            correction *= correction;
                            correction *= sinf( 2 * M_PI * ( ripple->currentRadius - distance ) / ripple->radius * ripple->lifespan / ripple->rippleCycle );
                    // fade with distance
                    correction *= 1 - ( distance / ripple->currentRadius );
                    // fade with time
                    correction *= 1 - ( ripple->runtime / ripple->lifespan );
                    // adjust for base gain and user strength
                    correction *= RIPPLE_BASE_GAIN;
                    correction *= ripple->strength;
                    // finally modify the coordinate by interpolating
                    // because of interpolation,adjustment for distance is needed,correction /= ccpDistance( ripple->centerCoordinate,pos );
                    pos = ccpAdd( pos,ccpMult( ccpSub( pos,ripple->centerCoordinate ),correction ) );
                    // another approach for applying correction,would be to calculate slope from center to pos
                    // and then adjust based on this
                    // clamp texture coordinates to avoid artifacts
                    pos = ccpClamp( pos,CCPointZero,ccp( m_texture->getMaxS(),m_texture->getMaxT() ) );
                    // save modified coordinate
                    m_rippleCoordinate[ count ] = pos;
        // calculate radius
        ripple->currentRadius = ripple->radius * ripple->runtime / ripple->lifespan;
        // check if ripple should expire
        ripple->runtime += dt;
        if ( ripple->runtime >= ripple->lifespan ) {
            // free memory,and remove from list
            free( ripple );
            m_rippleList.erase(m_rippleList.begin() + count);
        } else {
            // check for creation of child ripples
            if ( ripple->parent == true ) {
                // left ripple
                if ( ( ripple->childCreated[ RIPPLE_CHILD_LEFT ] == false ) && ( ripple->currentRadius > ripple->center.x ) ) {
                // top ripple
                if ( ( ripple->childCreated[ RIPPLE_CHILD_TOP ] == false ) && ( ripple->currentRadius > screenSize.y - ripple->center.y ) ) {
                // right ripple
                if ( ( ripple->childCreated[ RIPPLE_CHILD_RIGHT ] == false ) && ( ripple->currentRadius > screenSize.x - ripple->center.x ) ) {
                // bottom ripple
                if ( ( ripple->childCreated[ RIPPLE_CHILD_BOTTOM ] == false ) && ( ripple->currentRadius > ripple->center.y ) ) {

CCTexture2D* pgeRippleSprite::spriteTexture()
    return m_texture;

void pgeRippleSprite::draw()
    if (!this->isVisible()) {
	ccGLEnableVertexAttribs( kCCVertexAttribFlag_Position | kCCVertexAttribFlag_TexCoords );
    ccGLBindTexture2D(m_texture->getName() );
    // vertex
    glVertexAttribPointer(kCCVertexAttrib_Position,2,GL_FLOAT,GL_FALSE,(void*) m_vertice);
    // if no ripples running,use original coordinates ( Yay,dig that kewl old school C Syntax )
    glVertexAttribPointer(kCCVertexAttrib_TexCoords,( m_rippleList.size() == 0 ) ? m_textureCoordinate : m_rippleCoordinate);
    // draw as many triangle fans,as quads in y direction
    for ( int strip = 0; strip < m_quadCountY; strip++ ) {
        glDrawArrays( GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP,strip * m_VerticesPrStrip,m_VerticesPrStrip );

bool pgeRippleSprite::isPointInsideSprite(cocos2d::CCPoint pos)
    float maxX = m_texture->getContentSize().width / scaleRTT;
    float maxY = m_texture->getContentSize().height / scaleRTT;
    if(pos.x < 0 || pos.y < 0 ||
       pos.x > maxX || pos.y > maxY) {
        return false;
    else {
        return true;

bool pgeRippleSprite::isTouchInsideSprite(cocos2d::CCTouch *pTouch)
    CCPoint pos;
    pos = pTouch->getLocationInView();
    pos = CCDirector::sharedDirector()->convertToGL(pos);
    pos = this->convertToNodeSpace(pos);
    return this->isPointInsideSprite(pos);

#pragma mark - touch events

bool pgeRippleSprite::ccTouchBegan(cocos2d::CCTouch *pTouch,cocos2d::CCEvent *pEvent)
    if (!this->isTouchInsideSprite(pTouch)) {
        return false;
    return true;

void pgeRippleSprite::ccTouchMoved(cocos2d::CCTouch *pTouch,cocos2d::CCEvent *pEvent)
    CCPoint pos;
    pos = pTouch->getLocationInView();
    pos = CCDirector::sharedDirector()->convertToGL(pos);
    pos = this->convertToNodeSpace(pos);
    //runTime += 1.0 / 60.0f;

void pgeRippleSprite::ccTouchCancelled(cocos2d::CCTouch *pTouch,cocos2d::CCEvent *pEvent)

void pgeRippleSprite::ccTouchEnded(cocos2d::CCTouch *pTouch,cocos2d::CCEvent *pEvent)

void pgeRippleSprite::onEnterTransitionDidFinish()

void pgeRippleSprite::onExit()

rippleSprite = pgeRippleSprite::create("image.png");
	rippleSprite->setScale(480.0 / 320);

void HelloWorld::update( float dt )

	/*float x = parallax_->getPositionX()-1;

