class CC_DLL CCArray : public CCObject
2、如果通过create创建,会加入自动释放池,通过new创建则不会,所以使用时要记得retain,然后释放时 @H_301_12@ 使用release。 @H_301_12@CCArray* CCArray::create() { CCArray* pArray = new CCArray(); if (pArray && pArray->init()) { pArray->autorelease(); } else { CC_SAFE_DELETE(pArray); } return pArray; }3、addObject 增加一个,会调用retain
void CCArray::addObject(CCObject* object) { ccArrayAppendObjectWithResize(data,object); } --》 /** Appends an object. Capacity of arr is increased if needed. */ void ccArrayAppendObjectWithResize(ccArray *arr,CCObject* object) { ccArrayEnsureExtraCapacity(arr,1); ccArrayAppendObject(arr,object); } --》ccArrayAppendObject /** Appends an object. Behavior undefined if array doesn't have enough capacity. */ void ccArrayAppendObject(ccArray *arr,CCObject* object) { CCAssert(object != NULL,"Invalid parameter!"); object->retain(); //retain对象 arr->arr[arr->num] = object; arr->num++; }@H_301_12@ 4、 移除其中一个,默认会release
/** Remove a certain object */ void removeObject(CCObject* object,bool bReleaSEObj = true); //实现: void CCArray::removeObject(CCObject* object,bool bReleaSEObj/* = true*/) { ccArrayRemoveObject(data,object,bReleaSEObj); } -->> /** Searches for the first occurrence of object and removes it. If object is not found the function has no effect. */ void ccArrayRemoveObject(ccArray *arr,CCObject* object,bool bReleaSEObj/* = true*/) { unsigned int index = ccArrayGetIndexOfObject(arr,object); if (index != CC_INVALID_INDEX) { ccArrayRemoveObjectAtIndex(arr,index,bReleaSEObj); } } -->>ccArrayRemoveObjectAtIndex /** Removes object at specified index and pushes back all subsequent objects. Behavior undefined if index outside [0,num-1]. */ void ccArrayRemoveObjectAtIndex(ccArray *arr,unsigned int index,bool bReleaSEObj/* = true*/) { CCAssert(arr && arr->num > 0 && index < arr->num,"Invalid index. Out of bounds"); if (bReleaSEObj) { CC_SAFE_RELEASE(arr->arr[index]); //release } arr->num--; unsigned int remaining = arr->num - index; if(remaining>0) { memmove((void *)&arr->arr[index],(void *)&arr->arr[index+1],remaining * sizeof(CCObject*)); } }@H_301_12@ 5、移除全部,都会release
void CCArray::removeAllObjects() { ccArrayRemoveAllObjects(data); } -->> /** Removes all objects from arr */ void ccArrayRemoveAllObjects(ccArray *arr) { while( arr->num > 0 ) { (arr->arr[--arr->num])->release(); } }6、析构
CCArray::~CCArray() { ccArrayFree(data); } -->> /** Frees array after removing all remaining objects. Silently ignores NULL arr. */ void ccArrayFree(ccArray*& arr) { if( arr == NULL ) { return; } ccArrayRemoveAllObjects(arr); free(arr->arr); free(arr); arr = NULL; }