void releaseData(void *data);
/** * @js NA */
void* keepData(void *data,unsigned int length);
/** Initializes with a texture2d with data * @js NA * @lua NA */
bool initWithData(const void* data,CCTexture2DPixelFormat pixelFormat,unsigned int pixelsWide,unsigned int pixelsHigh,const CCSize& contentSize);
/** Drawing extensions to make it easy to draw basic quads using a CCTexture2D object. These functions require GL_TEXTURE_2D and both GL_VERTEX_ARRAY and GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY client states to be enabled. */
/** draws a texture at a given point */
void drawAtPoint(const CCPoint& point);
/** draws a texture inside a rect */
void drawInRect(const CCRect& rect);
/** Extensions to make it easy to create a CCTexture2D object from an image file. Note that RGBA type textures will have their alpha premultiplied - use the blending mode (GL_ONE,GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA). */
/** Initializes a texture from a UIImage object */
bool initWithImage(CCImage * uiImage);
/** Initializes a texture from a string with dimensions,alignment,font name and font size */
bool initWithString(const char *text,const char *fontName,float fontSize,const CCSize& dimensions,CCTextAlignment hAlignment,CCVerticalTextAlignment vAlignment);
/** Initializes a texture from a string with font name and font size */
bool initWithString(const char *text,float fontSize);
/** Initializes a texture from a string using a text definition*/
bool initWithString(const char *text,ccFontDefinition *textDefinition);
/** Initializes a texture from a PVR file */
bool initWithPVRFile(const char* file);
/** Initializes a texture from a ETC file */
bool initWithETCFile(const char* file);
三、总结 1、知道了CCTexture2D可以由image、String或data生成 2、知道了CCTexture不常直接使用