void Renderer::render() { _isRendering = true; if (_glViewAssigned) { //Process render commands //1. Sort render commands based on ID for (auto &renderqueue : _renderGroups) { renderqueue.sort(); } visitRenderQueue(_renderGroups[0]); } clean(); _isRendering = false; }
在访问一个队列的时候,无非就是把其中的每个位置中所有的命令拿出来处理,processRenderCommand 就是对命令的具体处理方式:
void Renderer::processRenderCommand(RenderCommand* command) { auto commandType = command->getType(); if( RenderCommand::Type::TRIANGLES_COMMAND == commandType) { //Draw if we have batched other commands which are not triangle command flush3D(); flushQuads(); //Process triangle command auto cmd = static_cast<TrianglesCommand*>(command); //Draw batched Triangles if necessary if(cmd->isSkipBatching() || _filledVertex + cmd->getVertexCount() > VBO_SIZE || _filledIndex + cmd->getIndexCount() > INDEX_VBO_SIZE) { CCASSERT(cmd->getVertexCount()>= 0 && cmd->getVertexCount() < VBO_SIZE,"VBO for vertex is not big enough,please break the data down or use customized render command"); CCASSERT(cmd->getIndexCount()>= 0 && cmd->getIndexCount() < INDEX_VBO_SIZE,"VBO for index is not big enough,please break the data down or use customized render command"); //Draw batched Triangles if VBO is full drawBatchedTriangles(); } //Batch Triangles _batchedCommands.push_back(cmd); fillVerticesAndIndices(cmd); if(cmd->isSkipBatching()) { drawBatchedTriangles(); } } else if ( RenderCommand::Type::QUAD_COMMAND == commandType ) { //Draw if we have batched other commands which are not quad command flush3D(); flushTriangles(); //Process quad command auto cmd = static_cast<QuadCommand*>(command); //Draw batched quads if necessary if(cmd->isSkipBatching()|| (_numberQuads + cmd->getQuadCount()) * 4 > VBO_SIZE ) { CCASSERT(cmd->getQuadCount()>= 0 && cmd->getQuadCount() * 4 < VBO_SIZE,please break the data down or use customized render command"); //Draw batched quads if VBO is full drawBatchedQuads(); } //Batch Quads _batchQuadCommands.push_back(cmd); fillQuads(cmd); if(cmd->isSkipBatching()) { drawBatchedQuads(); } } else if (RenderCommand::Type::MESH_COMMAND == commandType) { flush2D(); auto cmd = static_cast<MeshCommand*>(command); if (cmd->isSkipBatching() || _lastBatchedMeshCommand == nullptr || _lastBatchedMeshCommand->getMaterialID() != cmd->getMaterialID()) { flush3D(); if(cmd->isSkipBatching()) { cmd->execute(); } else { cmd->preBatchDraw(); cmd->batchDraw(); _lastBatchedMeshCommand = cmd; } } else { cmd->batchDraw(); } } else if(RenderCommand::Type::GROUP_COMMAND == commandType) { flush(); int renderQueueID = ((GroupCommand*) command)->getRenderQueueID(); visitRenderQueue(_renderGroups[renderQueueID]); } else if(RenderCommand::Type::CUSTOM_COMMAND == commandType) { flush(); auto cmd = static_cast<CustomCommand*>(command); cmd->execute(); } else if(RenderCommand::Type::BATCH_COMMAND == commandType) { flush(); auto cmd = static_cast<BatchCommand*>(command); cmd->execute(); } else if(RenderCommand::Type::PRIMITIVE_COMMAND == commandType) { flush(); auto cmd = static_cast<PrimitiveCommand*>(command); cmd->execute(); } else { CCLOGERROR("Unknown commands in renderQueue"); } }
RenderCommand::Type::TRIANGLES_COMMAND 和RenderCommand::Type::QUAD_COMMAND的命令很类似,它们采用了批量渲染,超过了VBO的大小就触发批量渲染。
int renderQueueID = ((GroupCommand*) command)->getRenderQueueID(); visitRenderQueue(_renderGroups[renderQueueID]);
void Renderer::addCommand(RenderCommand* command) { int renderQueue =_commandGroupStack.top(); addCommand(command,renderQueue); } void Renderer::addCommand(RenderCommand* command,int renderQueue) { CCASSERT(!_isRendering,"Cannot add command while rendering"); CCASSERT(renderQueue >=0,"Invalid render queue"); CCASSERT(command->getType() != RenderCommand::Type::UNKNOWN_COMMAND,"Invalid Command Type"); _renderGroups[renderQueue].push_back(command); }
注意组命令 还是会放到当前渲染队列的末尾,_commandGroupStack存放着所有加入到_renderGroups中的组命令的id。