在int _base64Decode(const unsigned char *input,unsigned int input_len,unsigned char *output,unsigned int *output_len )函数中return之前加上这么一句:
output[output_idx] = '\0';
我也是不太懂为什么官方自带的char*操作函数里连个结束符都不加= =
static void setValueForKey(const char* pKey,const char* pValue) { char* pEncodeValue = 0; base64Encode((const unsigned char*)pValue,strlen(pValue),&pEncodeValue); tinyxml2::XMLElement* rootNode; tinyxml2::XMLDocument* doc; tinyxml2::XMLElement* node; // check the params if (! pKey || ! pValue) { return; } // find the node node = getXMLNodeForKey(pKey,&rootNode,&doc); // if node exist,change the content if (node) { if (node->FirstChild()) { node->FirstChild()->SetValue(pEncodeValue); } else { tinyxml2::XMLText* content = doc->NewText(pEncodeValue); node->LinkEndChild(content); } } else { if (rootNode) { tinyxml2::XMLElement* tmpNode = doc->NewElement(pKey);//new tinyxml2::XMLElement(pKey); rootNode->LinkEndChild(tmpNode); tinyxml2::XMLText* content = doc->NewText(pEncodeValue);//new tinyxml2::XMLText(pValue); tmpNode->LinkEndChild(content); } } // save file and free doc if (doc) { doc->SaveFile(FileUtils::getInstance()->getSuitableFOpen(UserDefault::getInstance()->getXMLFilePath()).c_str()); delete doc; } }
bool UserDefault::getBoolForKey(const char* pKey,bool defaultValue) { const char* value = nullptr; tinyxml2::XMLElement* rootNode; tinyxml2::XMLDocument* doc; tinyxml2::XMLElement* node; node = getXMLNodeForKey(pKey,&doc); // find the node if (node && node->FirstChild()) { value = (const char*)(node->FirstChild()->Value()); } bool ret = defaultValue; if (value) { unsigned char* pDecodeValue = 0; base64Decode((const unsigned char*)value,strlen(value),&pDecodeValue); ret = (! strcmp((const char*)pDecodeValue,"true")); } if (doc) delete doc; return ret; }
最后是一点吐槽,UserDefault顾名思义应该是存储一些用户设置之类的数据,大概是因为这样所以官方尽管引入了base64算法却没有给它加上,我真的很想知道为什么cocos2dx没有专门的管理游戏存档的类= =