TexturePacker 4.X 在Cocos2d-x 3.x 中帧动画实现(官方文档)

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了TexturePacker 4.X 在Cocos2d-x 3.x 中帧动画实现(官方文档)前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。


Tutorial: Using sprite sheet animations in cocos2d-x V3
What you are going to learn from this tutorial

**In this tutorial you are going to learn:
Why you should use sprite sheets
Designing and running your game on different devices and screen sizes
Creating optimized sprite sheets
Creating animations
Playing character animations
In short: Develop once,make money on all platforms.**

