centos 7 安装android 模拟器genymotion,
[zzh@zzh programs]$ sudo ./genymotion-2.8.1_x64.bin [sudo] password for zzh: Installing for all users. Installing to folder [/opt/genymobile/genymotion]. Are you sure [y/n] ? y - Trying to find Virtual
Box toolset .................... OK (Valid version of Virtual
Box found: 5.1.14r112924) - Extracting files ..................................... OK (Extract into: [/opt/genymobile/genymotion]) - Installing launcher icon ............................. OK Installation done successfully. You can now use these tools from [/opt/genymobile/genymotion]: - genymotion - genymotion-shell - gmtool [zzh@zzh programs]$