


Couchbase 是一个开源的、分布式的、面向文档(document-oriented)的 Nosql 数据库,并且内置了 Memcached 服务。本文分享的是自己在 Linux 上成功安装 Couchbase Server 的实际操作步骤。




[root@apollo dtadmin~]# wget https://packages.couchbase.com/releases/4.6.2/couchbase-server-enterprise-4.6.2-centos7.x86_64.rpm


在执行安装之前,确保相应的依赖包已安装。本文通过pkgconfig命令来检查Couchbase Server RPM的依赖。

[root@apollo ~]# yum -y install pkgconfig
[root@apollo ~]# rpm -qa | grep "openssl"
[root@apollo ~]# yum -y install openssl


[root@apollo dtadmin]# rpm -ivh couchbase-server-enterprise-4.6.2-centos7.x86_64.rpm 
Preparing...                          ################################# [100%]
Warning: Transparent hugepages looks to be active and should not be.
Please look at http://bit.ly/1ZAcLjD as for how to PERMANENTLY alter this setting. Warning: Swappiness is not set to 0. Please look at http://bit.ly/1k2CtNn as for how to PERMANENTLY alter this setting. Minimum RAM required : 4 GB System RAM configured : 3.70 GB Minimum number of processors required : 4 cores Number of processors on the system : 1 cores Updating / installing... 1:couchbase-server-4.6.2-3905 ################################# [100%] ln -s '/usr/lib/systemd/system/couchbase-server.service' '/etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/couchbase-server.service' You have successfully installed Couchbase Server. Please browse to http://apollo.dt.com:8091/ to configure your server. Please refer to http://couchbase.com for additional resources. Please note that you have to update your firewall configuration to allow connections to the following ports: 4369,8091 to 8094,9100 to 9105,9998,9999,11209 to 11211,11214,11215,18091 to 18093,and from 21100 to 21299. By using this software you agree to the End User License Agreement. See /opt/couchbase/LICENSE.txt.



Minimum RAM required : 4 GB 
    System RAM configured : 8174464 kilobytes
    Minimum number of processors required :  4 cores 
    Number of processors on the system : 4 cores

    Starting couchbase-server[ OK ]

    You have successfully installed Couchbase Server. 
    Browse to http://host_name:8091/ to configure your server. 
    Refer to http://couchbase.com for additional resources.

    Update your firewall configuration 
    to allow connections to the following ports: 

    11211,11210,11209,4369,8091,8092 and from 21100 to 21299.

    By using this software you agree to the End User License Agreement. 
    See /opt/couchbase/LICENSE.txt.

4.1. 通过http://ip:8091端口访问

