准备Red Hat / CentOS 7模板的推荐方法是什么?

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了准备Red Hat / CentOS 7模板的推荐方法是什么?前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。
如果我需要从模板部署Red Hat 7,我想采取建议的步骤,使我的“黄金形象”干净.它应该启动到 first boot prompt并引导用户完成典型步骤.

在Red Hat 5/6中,我是followed the documentation provided供应商.但是,我找不到Red Hat 7的等价物.具体来说,触摸/.unconfigured不会触发第一次启动设置.

9.3.1. Sealing a Linux Virtual Machine for Deployment as a Template

Generalize (seal) a Linux virtual machine before making it into a template. This prevents conflicts between virtual machines deployed from the template.

Procedure 9.6. Sealing a Linux Virtual Machine

Log in to the virtual machine. Flag the system for re-configuration by running the following command as root:

  1. # touch /.unconfigured
  2. Remove ssh host keys. Run:
    # rm -rf /etc/ssh/ssh_host_*
  3. Set HOSTNAME=localhost.localdomain in /etc/sysconfig/network
  4. Remove /etc/udev/rules.d/70-*. Run:
    # rm -rf /etc/udev/rules.d/70-*
  5. Remove the HWADDR= and UUID= line from /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth*.
  6. Optionally delete all the logs from /var/log and build logs from /root.
  7. Shut down the virtual machine. Run:
    # poweroff

编辑:步骤1& 7可以通过运行sys-unconfig last来组合.或者,看一下来自libguestfs-tools-c的virt-sysprep,它可以做很多事情.

[user@hostname ~]$virt-sysprep --list-operations
 abrt-data * Remove the crash data generated by ABRT
 bash-history * Remove the bash history in the guest
 blkid-tab * Remove blkid tab in the guest
 ca-certificates   Remove CA certificates in the guest
 crash-data * Remove the crash data generated by kexec-tools
 cron-spool * Remove user at-jobs and cron-jobs
 delete * Delete specified files or directories
 dhcp-client-state * Remove DHCP client leases
 dhcp-server-state * Remove DHCP server leases
 dovecot-data * Remove Dovecot (mail server) data
 firewall-rules   Remove the firewall rules
 firstboot * Add scripts to run once at next boot
 flag-reconfiguration   Flag the system for reconfiguration
 hostname * Change the hostname of the guest
 kerberos-data   Remove Kerberos data in the guest
 logfiles * Remove many log files from the guest
 lvm-uuids * Change LVM2 PV and VG UUIDs
 machine-id * Remove the local machine ID
 mail-spool * Remove email from the local mail spool directory
 net-hostname * Remove HOSTNAME in network interface configuration
 net-hwaddr * Remove HWADDR (hard-coded MAC address) configuration
 pacct-log * Remove the process accounting log files
 package-manager-cache * Remove package manager cache
 pam-data * Remove the PAM data in the guest
 password * Set root or user password
 puppet-data-log * Remove the data and log files of puppet
 random-seed * Generate random seed for guest
 rhn-systemid * Remove the RHN system ID
 rpm-db * Remove host-specific RPM database files
 samba-db-log * Remove the database and log files of Samba
 script * Run arbitrary scripts against the guest
 smolt-uuid * Remove the Smolt hardware UUID
 ssh-hostkeys * Remove the SSH host keys in the guest
 ssh-userdir * Remove ".ssh" directories in the guest
 sssd-db-log * Remove the database and log files of sssd
 tmp-files * Remove temporary files
 udev-persistent-net * Remove udev persistent net rules
 user-account   Remove the user accounts in the guest
 utmp * Remove the utmp file
 yum-uuid * Remove the yum UUID

> Firstboot,要求您配置kdump和(在RHEL上)设置您的订阅



systemctl enable initial-setup-graphical.service
systemctl enable firstboot-graphical.service
> /etc/sysconfig/firstboot


我不完全确定第三部分,它要求您提供语言并创建用户帐户或将计算机加入域.这至少会继续回来,直到你真正完成向导. (所以不要这样做.)

清理主机密钥和任何硬件特定配置仍然是一个好主意. (udev规则和接口配置文件中的Mac地址.)
