>编写程序 – 使用while循环 – 从用户获取月数并在该月末打印兔子对的数量.
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int rabbits (int); int main () { int x,month,result,counter = 0,rab_now,rab_lastmonth = 1,rab_twomonthsago = 0; cout << "Please enter the month \n\n"; cin >> month; cout << "\n"; result = rabbits (month); while (counter <= month - 1) { rab_now = rab_lastmonth + rab_twomonthsago; x = rab_lastmonth; rab_lastmonth = rab_now; rab_twomonthsago = x; counter++; } cout << "At the end of month " << month << ",there will be " << rab_lastmonth << " pairs of rabbits" << endl; system("PAUSE"); return 0; } int rabbits (int month) { if (month == 0) { return 0; } else if (month == 1) { return 1; } else { return (rabbits (month + 1) + rabbits (month - 2)); } }