#include <iostream> #include <utility> class test { private: test() { } public: test foo() { return *this; } static const char *name() { return "test"; } }; int main() { std::cout << decltype(test().foo())::name() << std::endl; // 1 std::cout << decltype(std::declval<test>().foo())::name() << std::endl; // 2 }
我期望// 1行无法编译,因为test的默认构造函数是private.
However,it works well.我在我的g 4.8.3上测试了它–Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic难以置信,但它运行良好,没有任何错误或警告.
(此外,它似乎也适用于GCC 4.9.1.)
从this page开始,如果表达式未被评估,我想我们可以使用私有默认构造函数.所以,我测试了以下内容来检查它.
#include <iostream> #include <utility> class test { private: test(int) { } public: test foo() { return *this; } static const char *name() { return "test"; } }; int main() { std::cout << decltype(test().foo())::name() << std::endl; // 1 std::cout << decltype(std::declval<test>().foo())::name() << std::endl; // 2 }
12.2/1 Even when the creation of the temporary object is unevaluated
or otherwise avoided,all the semantic restrictions shall be respected as if the temporary object had been created and later destroyed. [ Note: even if there is no call to the destructor or copy/move constructor,all the semantic restrictions,such as accessibility and whether the function is deleted,shall be satisfied. However,in the special case of a function call used as the operand of a decltype-specifier,no temporary is introduced,so the foregoing does not apply to the prvalue of any such function call. — end note ]