c – 对有符号整数类型的按位运算结果是否定义明确?

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了c – 对有符号整数类型的按位运算结果是否定义明确?前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。
using integer = int; // or any other fundamental integral type
using unsigned_integer = typename std::make_unsigned<integer>::type;
constexpr integer bits = std::numeric_limits<unsigned_integer>::digits;
integer value = -42; // or any value
integer mask = static_cast<integer>(1)<<static_cast<integer>(bits-1);
bool result_and = value & mask;
bool result_or = value | mask;
bool result_xor = value ^ mask;



按位和按位或按位xor的结果目前在标准中未指定,特别是从未定义了按位这一术语.我们有 defect report 1857: Additional questions about bits 涵盖了这个问题并说:

The specification of the bitwise operations in 5.11 [expr.bit.and],
5.12 [expr.xor],and 5.13 [expr.or] uses the undefined term “bitwise” in describing the operations,without specifying whether it is the
value or object representation that is in view.

Part of the resolution of this might be to define “bit” (which is otherwise currently undefined in C++) as a value of a given power of 2.


CWG decided to reformulate the description of the operations
themselves to avoid references to bits,splitting off the larger
questions of defining “bit” and the like to issue 1943 for further

这导致合并defect report 1943: Unspecified meaning of “bit”.

左移有符号类型的结果将取决于底层表示.我们可以从defect report 1457: Undefined behavior in left-shift看到这一点,这使它很好地定义为左移到符号位并说:

The current wording of 5.8 [expr.shift] paragraph 2 makes it undefined
behavior to create the most-negative integer of a given type by
left-shifting a (signed) 1 into the sign bit,even though this is not
uncommonly done and works correctly on the majority of
(twos-complement) architectures

…if E1 has a signed type and non-negative value,and E1 ⨯ 2E2 is representable in the result type,then that is the resulting value;
otherwise,the behavior is undefined.



