objective-c – 是否 – [NSInvocation retainArguments]复制块?

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了objective-c – 是否 – [NSInvocation retainArguments]复制块?前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。


更新:iOS 7中的行为似乎已经发生了变化.我刚刚对此进行了测试,并且在iOS 6.1和之前,-retainArguments没有复制块类型的参数.在iOS 7及更高版本中,-retainArguments会复制块类型的参数. -retainArguments的文档已经更新,表示它复制了块,但它没有说明行为何时发生了变化(这对支持旧操作系统的人来说真的很危险).


它当然应该(尽管我自己没有测试过).根据 documentation


If the receiver hasn’t already done so,retains the
target and all object arguments of the receiver and copies all of its
C-string arguments and blocks.

  • (void)retainArguments


Before this method is invoked,argumentsRetained returns NO; after,it returns YES.

For efficiency,newly created NSInvocation objects don’t retain or copy their arguments,nor do they retain their targets,copy C strings,or copy any associated blocks. You should instruct an NSInvocation object to retain its arguments if you intend to cache it,because the arguments may otherwise be released before the invocation is invoked. NSTimer objects always instruct their invocations to retain their arguments,for example,because there’s usually a delay before a timer fires.
