
我想从c调用 Haskell函数,并将图像作为参数.它只是一个unsigned char数组,包含有关宽度和高度的信息(以像素为单位).


-- Stuff.hs

module Stuff where

import Data.List
import Data.Word
import qualified Data.Vector.UnBoxed as V

import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.Storable
import Foreign.C.Types
import Foreign.C.String
import Foreign.Marshal.Array
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc

foreign export ccall freeResult :: CString -> IO ()
foreign export ccall doWithImageStruct :: ImageStruct -> IO CString

data Image = Image Word32 Word32 (V.Vector Double)

type ImageStruct = Ptr ImageStructType

-- CUInt is Word32.
-- https://hackage.haskell.org/package/base-
data ImageStructType = ImageStructType CUInt CUInt (Ptr CUChar)

instance Storable ImageStructType where
  sizeOf _ = 12
  alignment = sizeOf
  peek ptr = do
    w <- peekByteOff ptr 0
    h <- peekByteOff ptr 4
    p <- peekByteOff ptr 8
    return (ImageStructType w h p)

imageStructTypeToImage :: ImageStructType -> IO Image
imageStructTypeToImage (ImageStructType (CUInt width) (CUInt height) p) = do
  pixelsCUChar <- peekArray (fromIntegral $width * height) p
  let pixels = map (\(CUChar c) -> fromIntegral c) pixelsCUChar
  return $Image width height (V.fromList pixels)

doWithImage :: Image -> String
doWithImage (Image w h p) =
  intercalate " " [show w,show h,show $V.sum p]

doWithImageStruct :: ImageStruct -> IO CString
doWithImageStruct is = do
  imageStruct <- peek is
  image <- imageStructTypeToImage imageStruct
  newCString $doWithImage image

freeResult :: CString -> IO ()
freeResult s = free s

// StartEnd.c
#include <Rts.h>

void HsStart()
   int argc = 1;
   char* argv[] = {"ghcDll",NULL}; // argv must end with NULL

   // Initialize Haskell runtime
   char** args = argv;

void HsEnd()


ghc -Wall -O2 -outputdir build -shared -o build\Stuff.dll Stuff.hs StartEnd.c

cpp部分(MSVC 2010)看起来像这样:

// main.cpp
// link with /OPT:NOREF

#pragma comment(lib,"Stuff.dll.a")
#include "HsFFI.h"
#include "Stuff_stub.h"
#include <cstdint>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

extern "C" {
    void HsStart();
    void HsEnd();

struct Image {
    Image( std::uint32_t w,std::uint32_t h,std::uint8_t* p )
        : width_( w ),height_( h ),pixels_( p )
    std::uint32_t width_;
    std::uint32_t height_;
    std::uint8_t* pixels_;

int main()
    using namespace std;


    // create image
    const uint32_t width = 320;
    const uint32_t height = 240;
    vector<uint8_t> mem( width * height,10 );
    mem[1] = 13;
    Image image( width,height,&mem[0] );

    // Send Image to Haskell and receive a String.
    auto resultPtr = doWithImageStruct( &image );
    string result( reinterpret_cast<char*>( resultPtr ) );
    freeResult( resultPtr );

    cout << result << "\n";



320 240 768003.0




我建议您使用 C->Hs生成Storable ImageStructType实例.其他一切看起来都不错.
