c – Boost,asio,https和主机/证书验证

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了c – Boost,asio,https和主机/证书验证前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。
我正在看Boost的 SSL Client.评论中有对OpenSSL的引用(抱歉,没有行号):
// The verify callback can be used to check whether the certificate that is
// being presented is valid for the peer. For example,RFC 2818 describes
// the steps involved in doing this for HTTPS. Consult the OpenSSL
// documentation for more details. Note that the callback is called once
// for each certificate in the certificate chain,starting from the root
// certificate authority.



OpenSSL 1.1.0将提供名称检查,但此时它仅在HEAD中提供.从OpenSSL Change Log开始:

Integrate hostname,email address and IP address checking with certificate
verification. New verify options supporting checking in opensl utility.


New functions to check a hostname email or IP address against a
certificate. Add options x509 utility to print results of checks against
a certificate.




简短回答:你引用的链接中的Boost回调函数不会验证任何内容.它返回OpenSSL提供给它的任何初步验证结果(通过bool preverified).如果需要任何细粒度验证(如CN匹配等),则必须由回调显式完成.

答案很长:当OpenSSL(或OpenSSL的Boost包装器)调用验证函数时,在这种情况下,bool verify_certificate(bool preverified,boost :: asio :: ssl :: verify_context& ctx),一组初步(或强制性的)验证已由OpenSSL完成.这在documentation中解释.

The certificate chain is checked starting with the deepest nesting level (the root CA certificate) and worked upward to the peer’s certificate. At each level signatures and issuer attributes are checked. Whenever a verification error is found,the error number is stored in x509_ctx and verify_callback is called with preverify_ok=0. By applying X509_CTX_store_* functions verify_callback can locate the certificate in question and perform additional steps (see EXAMPLES). If no error is found for a certificate,verify_callback is called with preverify_ok=1 before advancing to the next level.


