class Matrx { double A[50][50]; int m,n; public: Matrx(void); Matrx(int a,int b) { m=a; n=b; } Matrx operator +(Matrx b); Matrx Transpose(Matrx b); Matrx operator *(Matrx b); CString printMatrx(); void readMatrx(double a[][]); Matrx TransposeMat(Matrx b); }; void Matrx::readMatrx(double a[][]) { for(int i=0;i< m;i++) { for(int j=0;j< n;j++) A[i][j]=a[i][j]; } }
1 IntelliSense: an array may not have elements of this type d:\bmadaptive_dd_v1.02\matrx.h 17 27 TestServer
#ifndef MATRIX_HPP_INCLUDED #define MATRIX_HPP_INCLUDED #include <vector> #include <algorithm> class matrix { public: typedef std::vector<double>::size_type st; matrix() : rows_(0),cols_(0) {} matrix(int r,int c) : rows_(r),cols_(c),coeffs_(st(r)*c,0.0) {} void reset(int r,int c) { rows_=r; cols_=c; coeffs_.clear(); coeffs_.resize(st(r)*c,0.0); } int rows() const {return rows_;} int cols() const {return cols_;} double const& operator()(int i,int j) const {return coeffs_[indexof(i,j)];} double & operator()(int i,int j) {return coeffs_[indexof(i,j)];} double const* operator[](int i) const {return &coeffs_[indexof(i,0)];} double * operator[](int i) {return &coeffs_[indexof(i,0)];} void swap(matrix& that) { std::swap(this->rows_,that.rows_); std::swap(this->cols_,that.cols_); this->coeffs_.swap(that.coeffs_)); } private: int rows_,cols_; std::vector<double> coeffs_; st indexof(int i,int j) const {return st(i)*cols+j;} // row major storage }; inline void swap(matrix& a,matrix& b) {a.swap(b);} matrix& operator+=(matrix& lhs,matrix const& rhs); matrix operator+(matrix const& lhs,matrix const& rhs); matrix operator*(matrix const& lhs,matrix const& rhs); inline matrix& operator*=(matrix& lhs,matrix const& rhs) { matrix tmp = lhs * rhs; swap(tmp,lhs); return lhs; } ... #endif
这样,您不会浪费任何小矩阵的空间,并且可以支持大型矩阵.另外,使用std :: vector而不是指向动态分配的内存的指针成员,就不需要定义你自己的拷贝构造函数,赋值运算符和析构函数.
当然,您可以使用boost :: multi_array作为矩阵替换,但是使用自定义矩阵类允许您在自己的命名空间中声明重载运算符,这是由于ADL(依赖于参数的查找)而需要的.