class Referenced { public: unsigned use_count() const { return selfptr->ob_refcnt; } void add_ref() const { Py_INCREF(selfptr); } void remove_ref() const { Py_DECREF(selfptr); } PyObject* selfptr; };
我使用intrusive_ptr来保存从引用导出的对象.这允许我很容易地保留对C中所需的python对象的引用,并访问它们,无论是否需要.但是,当python对象从C被删除时,即当我调用Py_DECREF(selfptr)时,我的程序是否崩溃(只有在Windows中),无论是selfptr-> ob_refcnt == 1.
#include <Python.h> static PyObject* myObj; static PyObject* acquirePythonObject(PyObject* self,PyObject* obj) { printf("trying to acquire python object %p,refcount = %d\n",obj,obj->ob_refcnt); myObj = obj; Py_INCREF(myObj); printf("reference acquired\n"); return Py_True; } static PyObject* freePythonObject(PyObject*,PyObject*) { printf("trying to free python object %p,myObj,myObj->ob_refcnt); Py_DECREF(myObj); printf("reference removed\n"); return Py_True; } static PyMethodDef moduleMethods[] = { {"acquirePythonObject",acquirePythonObject,METH_O,"hold reference to python object."},{"freePythonObject",freePythonObject,METH_NOARGS,"free reference to python object."},{NULL,NULL,NULL} }; PyMODINIT_FUNC initmodule(void) { Py_InitModule("module",moduleMethods); }
import module class Foo: def __init__(self): print "Foo is created" def __deinit__(self): print "Foo is destroyed" def acquireFoo(): foo = Foo() module.acquirePythonObject(foo) def freeFoo(): module.freePythonObject() if __name__ == "__main__": acquireFoo() freeFoo()
Foo is created trying to acquire python object 0x7fa19fbefd40,refcount = 2 reference acquired trying to free python object 0x7fa19fbefd40,refcount = 1 Foo is destoryed reference removed