假设我有#define foo在各种头文件.它可能扩展到一些不同的东西.我想知道(当编译一个.cc文件)遇到一个#define,它会扩展,它是哪个文件和它包含在哪里.
你看 :
@H_404_12@# shows preprocessed source with cpp internals removed
g++ -E -P file.cc
# shows preprocessed source kept with macros and include directives
g++ -E -dD -dI -P file.cc
上面的内部是gcc的线标记,当您读取输出时有点混淆. -P剥他们
@H_404_12@ -E Stop after the preprocessing stage; do not run the compiler proper. The output is in the form of preprocessed source code,which is sent to the standard output. Input files which don't require preprocessing are ignored.