c – 由于对模板类型的通用(向前)引用,未能实例化功能模板

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了c – 由于对模板类型的通用(向前)引用,未能实例化功能模板前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。
Universal references(即“转发参考”,c标准名称)和c11,c14及以上的完美转发具有许多重要优点;见 herehere.

在Scott Meyers上文提到的文章(link)中,有经验说明:

If a variable or parameter is declared to have type T&& for some deduced type T,that variable or parameter is a universal reference.


实际上,使用clang,我们看到以下代码片段将使用-std = c 14成功编译:

#include <utility>

template <typename T>
decltype(auto) f(T && t)
    return std::forward<T>(t);

int        x1 = 1;
int const  x2 = 1;
int&       x3 = x1;
int const& x4 = x2;

// all calls to `f` result in a successful
// binding of T&& to the required types
auto r1 = f (x1);    // varIoUs lvalues okay,as expected
auto r2 = f (x2);    // ...
auto r3 = f (x3);
auto r4 = f (x4);
auto r5 = f (int()); // rvalues okay,as expected

给出任何关于通用引用(转发参考)和类型扣除的描述(参见例如this explanation),这是很清楚的,为什么上述工作.虽然从同样的解释来看,为什么下面的工作也不尽如人意,


This question解决了同样的问题.然而,提供的答案不能解释为什么模板类型不被归类为“推导”.


test.cpp:23:11: error: no matching function for call to ‘f’

auto r1 = f (x1);

test.cpp:5:16: note: candidate function [with T = foo,A = int] not
viable: no known conversion from ‘struct foo< int >’ to ‘foo< int > &&’
for 1st argument

decltype(auto) f (T< A > && t)

#include <utility>

// It **seems** that the templated type T<A> should
// behave the same as an bare type T with respect to
// universal references,but this is not the case.
template <template <typename> typename T,typename A>
decltype(auto) f (T<A> && t)
    return std::forward<T<A>> (t);

template <typename A>
struct foo
    A bar;

struct foo<int>        x1 { .bar = 1 };
struct foo<int> const  x2 { .bar = 1 };
struct foo<int> &      x3 = x1;
struct foo<int> const& x4 = x2;

// all calls to `f` **fail** to compile due
// to **unsuccessful** binding of T&& to the required types
auto r1 = f (x1);
auto r2 = f (x2);
auto r3 = f (x3);
auto r4 = f (x4);
auto r5 = f (foo<int> {1}); // only rvalue works

在上下文中,由于类型T A推论出f的参数,确定参数声明T A&& t将作为通用参考(正向参考).


让我强调以下内容:示例2中的代码的失败不是由于struct foo<>是模板类型.失败似乎只是通过将f的参数声明为模板类型.


#include <utility>

// If we re-declare `f` as before,where `T` is no longer a
// templated type parameter,our code works once more.
template <typename T>
decltype(auto) f (T && t)
    return std::forward<T> (t);

// Notice,`struct foo<>` is **still** a templated type.
template <typename A>
struct foo
    A bar;

struct foo<int>        x1 { .bar = 1 };
struct foo<int> const  x2 { .bar = 1 };
struct foo<int> &      x3 = x1;
struct foo<int> const& x4 = x2;

// all calls to `f` (again) result in
// a successful binding of T&& to the required types
auto r1 = f (x1);
auto r2 = f (x2);
auto r3 = f (x3);
auto r4 = f (x4);



为什么第二个例子不按预期工作?有没有技术来克服这个问题与模板类型在c 11/14?有没有众所周知的,现有的代码库(在野外)成功地使用c的向前引用模板类型?


int a = 42;


auto f(int &);
auto f(int); // assuming a working copy constructor


auto f(int &&); // error


template<typename T>
auto f(T&&); // Showing only declaration


auto f(int & &&); // Think of it like that

当然,上面有太多的参考.所以C有collapsing rules,其实很简单:

> T& &安培;成为T&
> T& &安培;&安培;成为T&
> T&& &安培;成为T&
> T&& &安培;&安培;成为T&&


现在当你定义一个函数g like …

template<template<class> class T,typename A>
auto g(T<A>&&);

那么无论什么,模板参数的扣除都必须把T变成一个模板,而不是一个类型.毕竟,你明确指出了当模板参数作为模板< class>类而不是typename.

引用(类型)是从(可能不完整的)类型构建的.所以无论什么,T A (它是类型,但不是可以推导出的模板参数)不会变成(左值)引用,这意味着T< A> &安培;&安培;不需要任何崩溃并保留它是什么:一个r值的参考.当然,您不能将左值绑定到rvalue引用.



template<typename X>
struct thing {
template<typename T>
decltype (auto) f(T&& t) {
 if (std::is_same<typename std::remove_reference<T>::type,T>::value) {
  cout << "not ";
 cout << "a reference" << endl;
 return std::forward<T>(t);
 template<class> class T,typename A>
decltype (auto) g(T<A>&& t) {
 return std::forward<T<A>>(t);
int main(int,char**) {
 thing<int> it {};

 f(thing<int> {}); // "not a reference"

 f(it);            // "a reference"
 // T = thing<int> &
 // T&& = thing<int>& && = thing<int>&

 g(thing<int> {}); // works

 // T = thing
 // A = int
 // T<A>&& = thing<int>&&

 return 0;

(Live here)



template<typename> struct traits {};
 template<class>class T,typename A>
struct traits<T<A>> {
 using param = A;
 template<typename X>
 using templ = T<X>;


template<typename Y>
decltype (auto) g(Y&& t) {
 // Needs some manual work,but well ...
 using trait = traits<typename std::remove_reference<Y>::type>;
 using A = typename trait::param;
 using T = trait::template templ
 // using it
 T<A> copy{t};
 A data;
 return std::forward<Y>(t);

(Live here)

[…] can you explain why it is not an universal reference? what would the danger or the pitfall of it be,or is it too difficult to implement? I am sincerely interested.

T&LT a取代;&安培;&安培;不是通用参考,因为T< A>不是模板参数.它是(扣除T和A之后)简单(固定/非通用)类型.


