int fseek(FILE *stream,long offset,int whence); long ftell(FILE *stream);
我需要快速修复程序,因为一些内部数据文件在收集数据13年后突然达到2 ^ 31文件大小(2 147 483 7yy字节),并且内部fseek / ftell断言现在对任何请求都失败了.
在FreeBSD7世界中,有2GB文件的fseeko / ftello hack.
int fseeko(FILE *stream,off_t offset,int whence); off_t ftello(FILE *stream);
这里的off_t类型没有明确定义;我现在所知道的,它有8字节的大小,看起来像长long或无符号long long(我不知道哪一个).
是否足够(可以处理多达4 GB的文件)并且可以安全地搜索和替换所有ftell到ftello,并且所有fseek到fseeko(sed -i’s / ftell / ftello’,如果可能的话)它们的用法是:
unsigned long offset1,offset2; //32bit offset1 = (compute + it) * in + some - arithmetic; fseek(file,SEEK_END); fseek(file,4,SEEK_END); // or other small int constant offset2 = ftell(file); fseek(file,offset1,SEEK_SET); // No usage of SEEK_CUR
将64位off_t分配到无符号32位偏移量是安全的吗?它适用于2 GB到4 GB范围内的字节吗?
除了ftell / fseek之外,哪些函数可以用于偏移?
and ftello()
is a signed integer type.
在FreeBSD 7上,你可以放心地做到:
off_t actual_offset; unsigned long stored_offset; if (actual_offset >= (off_t)0 && actual_offset < (off_t)4294967296.0) stored_offset = (unsigned long)actual_offset; else some_fatal_error("Unsupportable file offset!");
人们经常被这种情况所困扰的是,必须使用off_t完成偏移计算.也就是说,将结果转换为off_t是不够的,必须将算术中使用的值转换为off_t. (从技术上讲,你只需要确保每个算术运算都是以off_t精度完成的,但是我发现如果我只是试图并转换所有的操作数就更容易记住规则.)例如:
off_t offset; unsigned long some,values,used; offset = (off_t)some * (off_t)value + (off_t)used; fseeko(file,offset,SEEK_SET);
int fseek_to(FILE *const file,const unsigned long some,const unsigned long values,const unsigned long used) { const off_t offset = (off_t)some * (off_t)value + (off_t)used; if (offset < (off_t)0 || offset >= (off_t)4294967296.0) fatal_error("Offset exceeds 4GB; I must abort!"); return fseeko(file,SEEK_SET); }
#define BIG_N 4 int fseek_to(FILE *const file,const unsigned long used) { const off_t offset = (off_t)some * (off_t)value + (off_t)used; if (offset < (off_t)0) fatal_error("Offset is negative; I must abort!"); if (offset >= (off_t)(BIG_N * 2147483648.0)) fatal_error("Offset is too large; I must abort!"); if ((offset % BIG_N) && (offset >= (off_t)2147483648.0)) fatal_error("Offset is not a multiple of BIG_N; I must abort!"); return fseeko(file,SEEK_SET); } int fseek_big(FILE *const file,const unsigned long position) { off_t offset; if (position >= 2147483648UL) offset = (off_t)2147483648UL + (off_t)BIG_N * (off_t)(position - 2147483648UL); else offset = (off_t)position; return fseeko(file,SEEK_SET); } unsigned long ftell_big(FILE *const file) { off_t offset; offset = ftello(file); if (offset < (off_t)0) fatal_error("Offset is negative; I must abort!"); if (offset < (off_t)2147483648UL) return (unsigned long)offset; if (offset % BIG_N) fatal_error("Offset is not a multiple of BIG_N; I must abort!"); if (offset >= (off_t)(BIG_N * 2147483648.0)) fatal_error("Offset is too large; I must abort!"); return (unsigned long)2147483648UL + (unsigned long)((offset - (off_t)2147483648UL) / (off_t)BIG_N); }
逻辑很简单:如果offset小于231,则按原样使用.否则,它由值231 BIG_N×(偏移-231)表示.唯一的要求是偏移231及以上始终是BIG_N的倍数.
显然,你必须只使用上面三个函数 – 加上你需要的fseek_to()变体,只要它们做同样的检查,只需使用不同的参数和公式进行偏移计算 – 你可以支持文件大小高达2147483648 BIG_N×2147483647.对于BIG_N == 4,即10 GiB(少于4个字节;准确地说是10,737,418,236个字节).
static inline void fseek_pos(FILE *const file,const unsigned long position) { if (fseeko(file,(off_t)position,SEEK_SET)) fatal_error("Cannot set file position!"); }
和fseek(文件,SEEK_END)调用fseek_end(文件,位置)(对称性 – 我假设这个位置通常是一个文字整数常量),
static inline void fseek_end(FILE *const file,const off_t relative) { if (fseeko(file,relative,SEEK_END)) fatal_error("Cannot set file position!"); }
static inline unsigned long ftell_pos(FILE *const file) { off_t position; position = ftello(file); if (position == (off_t)-1) fatal_error("Lost file position!"); if (position < (off_t)0 || position >= (off_t)4294967296.0) fatal_error("File position outside the 4GB range!"); return (unsigned long)position; }
由于在您的体系结构和OS上,unsigned long是32位无符号整数类型而off_t是64位有符号整数类型,因此这为您提供了完整的4GB范围.
static inline void fseek_to(FILE *const file,const off_t term1,const off_t term2,const off_t term3) { const off_t position = term1 * term2 + term3; if (position < (off_t)0 || position >= (off_t)4294967296.0) fatal_error("File position outside the 4GB range!"); if (fseeko(file,position,SEEK_SET)) fatal_error("Cannot set file position!"); }
对于每个偏移计算算法,定义一个fseek_to变量.命名参数以使算法有意义.如上所述,使参数const off_t,因此算术中不需要额外的强制转换.只有参数和const off_t position =定义计算算法的行在变量函数之间变化.