Just as a regular pointer to an array
guarantees that there is a pointer
value pointing past the last element
of the array,so for any iterator type
there is an iterator value that points
past the last element of a
corresponding container. These values
are called past-the-end values. Values
of an iterator i for which the
expression *i is defined are called
dereferenceable. The library never
assumes that past-the-end values are
dereferenceable. Iterators can also
have singular values that are not
associated with any container.
[Example: After the declaration of an
uninitialized pointer x (as with int*
x;),x must always be assumed to have
a singular value of a pointer.]
Results of most expressions are
undefined for singular values; the
only exception is an assignment of a
non-singular value to an iterator that
holds a singular value. In this case
the singular value is overwritten the
same way as any other value.
Dereferenceable values are always
Iterators can also have singular values that are not associated with any container.
How and why dereferenceable values are always nonsingular?