c – 如何根据模板类型使用std :: enable_if启用或禁用构造函数?

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了c – 如何根据模板类型使用std :: enable_if启用或禁用构造函数?前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。
template< typename type_1,typename type_2 > struct result
    // I want to enable these two constructors only if type_1 != type_2
    result( type_1 f ) : foo{f} {}
    result( type_2 b ) : bar{b} {}

    // I want to enable this constructor only if type_1 == type_2
    result( type_1 f,type_2 b ) : foo{f},bar{b} {}

    // Other member functions removed.

    type_1 foo;
    type_2 bar;

如何根据需要使用std :: enable_if启用或禁用构造函数



result<string,int> // type_1 != type_2


result<int,int> // type_1 == type_2


@H_403_19@ This似乎有效,但我不确定它是最佳方式


#include <type_traits>

template< typename type_1,typename type_2 >
struct result
    // I want to enable these two constructors only if type_1 != type_2
    template<typename T1 = type_1,typename T2 = type_2>
    result( type_1 f,typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same<T1,T2>::value>::type * = nullptr )
       : foo{f} {}
    template<typename T1 = type_1,typename T2 = type_2>
    result( type_2 b,T2>::value,int >::type * = nullptr )
       : bar{b} {}                                        /*     ^^^ need this to avoid duplicated signature error with above one*/ 

    // I want to enable this constructor only if type_1 == type_2
    template<typename T1 = type_1,type_2 b,typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<T1,T2>::value>::type * = nullptr ) 
       : foo{f},bar{b} {}

    type_1 foo;
    type_2 bar;

int main()
   result<int,double> r(1);
   result<int,double> r2(1.0);

   result<int,int> r3(1,2);

   // disbaled
   //result<int,double> r4(1,2.0);
   //result<int,int> r5(1);

另请阅读:Select class constructor using enable_if
