
我正在阅读Bjarne Stroustrup的第3版C编程语言,并尝试完成所有的练习.我不知道如何从6.6节接近练习13,所以我以为我会转向Stack Overflow来获得一些洞察力.以下是问题的描述:

Write a function cat() that takes two C-style string arguments and
returns a single string that is the concatenation of the arguments.
Use new to find store for the result.


? cat(char first[],char second[])
    char current = '';
    int i = 0;

    while (current != '\0')
        current = first[i];
        // somehow append current to whatever will eventually be returned

    current = '';
    i = 0;

    while (current != '\0')
        current = second[i];
        // somehow append current to whatever will eventually be returned

    return ?

int main(int argc,char* argv[])
    char first[]  = "Hello,";
    char second[] = "World!";

    ? = cat(first,second);

    return 0;


>如何使用新的查找商店?我期望做一些像std :: string * result = new std :: string;还是应该用新的来创建另外一个C风格的字符串?


How do I use new to find store? Am I expected to do something like std::string* result = new std::string; or should I be using new to create another C-style string somehow?

后者;该方法采用C风格的字符串,并且文本中没有任何内容表明它应该返回任何其他字符串.因此,函数的原型应该是char * cat(char const *,char const *).当然这不是你通常写功能的方式;手动内存管理在现代C中完全禁忌,因为它很容易出错.

Although the problem doesn’t mention using delete to free memory,I know I should because I will have used new to allocate. Should I just delete at the end of main,right before returning?

在这个练习中,是的.在现实世界中,不,就像上面所说的,这完全是禁忌.实际上你会返回一个std :: string,而不是使用new来分配内存.如果你发现自己手动分配内存(并且假设它是很好的理由),那么你会把这个内存不是一个原始的指针,而是一个智能指针 – std :: unique_ptr或std :: shared_ptr.
