c – 堆与数据段与堆栈分配

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了c – 堆与数据段与堆栈分配前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。
void function() {
    char text1[] = "SomeText";
    char* text2 = "Some Text";
    char *text = (char*) malloc(strlen("Some Text") + 1 );




// Array allocated on the stack and initialized with "SomeText" string.
// It has automatic storage duration. You shouldn't care about freeing memory.
char text1[] = "SomeText"; 

// Pointer to the constant string "Some Text".
// It has static storage duration. You shouldn't care about freeing memory.
// Note that it should be "a pointer to const".
// In this case you'll be protected from accidential changing of 
// the constant data (changing constant object leads to UB).
const char* text2 = "Some Text";

// malloc will allocate memory on the heap. 
// It has dynamic storage duration. 
// You should call "free" in the end to avoid memory leak.
char *text = (char*) malloc(strlen("Some Text") + 1 );
