c – 关于RAII,STL pop和PIMPL的基本问题

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了c – 关于RAII,STL pop和PIMPL的基本问题前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。
在今天阅读proggit时,我在 post发表了关于Google Ai挑战中的顶尖地位是由C采取的评论.用户reventlov声明

The biggest problem I have with C++ is that it’s waaay too easy to think that you’re a “C++ programmer” without really understanding all the things you need to understand to use C++ acceptably well.

You’ve got to know RAII,and know to use namespaces,and understand proper exception handling (for example,you should be able to explain why the pop() methods in the STL do not return the values they remove). You’ve got to know which of the three generations of functions in the standard library is the right one. You should be familiar with concepts like PIMPL. You need to understand how the design of the standard library (especially the STL) works. You need to understand how macros interact with namespaces,and why you usually shouldn’t use macros in C++,and what you should use instead (usually templates or inlines,rarely a class). You need to know about boost.




> RAII是关键但有时被遗忘的一个很好的例子是锁定互斥体时.如果您有一段代码锁定互斥体,执行操作,然后解锁它,如果操作引发异常或以其他方式导致线程死机,互斥体将保持锁定状态.这就是为什么有几个范围锁定类(如 QMutexLocker),因为如所述的 here,您可以保证析构函数运行.所以如果你使用范围锁定,它将永远解锁,防止死锁.
> Pop为了速度而返回void: SGI FAQ,并防止对象复制构造函数抛出的异常.
> PIMPL被Qt框架大量使用以提供二进制兼容性.它允许您从公共API隐藏数据结构的所有内部.这意味着,如果要将私有成员添加到类中,则将其添加到d指针.这维护着 Binary Code Compatibility,因为唯一的暴露的数据成员是一个指针.
