设置将是这样的. x = 2 a = 1 b = 6.如果你想知道有机会得到一个2.然后它只是吐出1/36(或它的浮点值).如果你把7作为总和,那就告诉你6.
我不知道为什么我想要解决这个问题,但是由于某种原因,我只是想要解决这个问题.而且由于我一直在谷歌搜索,并且使用wolfram alpha,以及自己尝试.我认为现在是失败并问社区的时候了.
我想要的算法是在c,或者PHP(即使我宁愿不是因为它慢了很多). c的原因只是因为我想要原始速度,我不想要处理类或对象.
如果有人好奇,引发了这个问题.我有一本书,我正在放弃阅读叫做醉酒之路,然后一旦我说XKCD 904,我决定现在是时候终于找到阅读它了.然后两个晚上,当我要睡觉的时候,我已经考虑过如何通过一个简单的算法来解决这个问题,并且能够想到一个.
它应该是相当便携,因为它完全写在c.如果一个人想要用c中的任何一种语言进行扩展,那么这样做是很少的.我选择“标记”第一个链接到“Ask Dr. Math”作为答案,因为它是我用于这个问题的实现.
#include <math.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <limits.h> /*! * file_name: sum_probability.c * * Set of functions to calculate the probabilty of n number of items adding up to s * with sides x. The question that this program relates to can be found at the url of * https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6394120/ * * Copyright 2011,Macarthur Inbody * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Lesser GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation,either version 3 of the License,or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Lesser GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not,see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.html>. * * 2011-06-20 06:03:57 PM -0400 * * These functions work by any input that is provided. For a function demonstrating it. * Please look at the second source file at the post of the question on stack overflow. * It also includes an answer for implenting it using recursion if that is your favored * way of doing it. I personally do not feel comfortable working with recursion so that is * why I went with the implementation that I have included. * */ /* * The following functions implement falling factorials so that we can * do binomial coefficients more quickly. * Via the following formula. * * K * PROD (n-(k-i))/i * i=1; * */ //unsigned int return unsigned int m_product_c( int k,int n){ int i=1; float result=1; for(i=1;i<=k;++i){ result=((n-(k-i))/i)*result; } return result; } //float return float m_product_cf(float n,float k){ int i=1; float result=1; for(i=1;i<=k;++i){ result=((n-(k-i))/i)*result; } return result; } /* * The following functions calculates the probability of n items with x sides * that add up to a value of s. The formula for this is included below. * * The formula comes from. http://mathforum.org/library/drmath/view/52207.html * *s=sum *n=number of items *x=sides *(s-n)/x * SUM (-1)^k * C(n,k) * C(s-x*k-1,n-1) * k=0 * */ float chance_calc_single(float min,float max,float amount,float desired_result){ float range=(max-min)+1; float series=ceil((desired_result-amount)/range); float i; --amount; float chances=0.0; for(i=0;i<=series;++i){ chances=pow((-1),i)*m_product_cf(amount,i)*m_product_cf(desired_result-(range*i)-1,amount)+chances; } return chances; }
#include "sum_probability.c" /* * * file_name:test.c * * Function showing off the algorithms working. User provides input via a cli * And it will give you the final result. * */ int main(void){ int amount,min,max,desired_results; printf("%s","Please enter the amount of items.\n"); scanf("%i",&amount); printf("%s","Please enter the minimum value allowed.\n"); scanf("%i",&min); printf("%s","Please enter the maximum value allowed.\n"); scanf("%i",&max); printf("%s","Please enter the value you wish to have them add up to. \n"); scanf("%i",&desired_results); printf("The total chances for %i is %f.\n",desired_results,chance_calc_single(min,amount,desired_results)); }
其次,请注意,您真正想要做的是计算实现特定金额的方法的数量.概率只是该计数除以简单指数(b-a 1)^ x.
他的派生使用生成功能,我觉得应该有一点解释.这个想法是定义多项式f(z),使得z ^ n上的系数是滚动方式n的数量.例如,对于单个6面模具,这是生成函数:
z + z^2 + z^3 + z^4 + z^5 + z^6
现在,如果对于两组骰子有两个生成函数g(z)和h(z),那么这些集合的并集的生成函数只是g和h的乘积. (盯着“乘法两项多项式”操作一段时间才能说服自己这是真的)例如,对于两个骰子,我们可以将上述表达式平方得到:
z^2 + 2z^3 + 3z^4 +4z^5 + 5z^6 + 6z^7 + 5z^8 + 4z^9 + 3z^10 + 2z^11 + z^12
注意我们如何直接读取系数的组合数:1种获得2(1 * z ^ 2)的方法,6种获得7(6 * z ^ 7)的方法等.
当您以封闭的形式,多次编写生成函数,然后再次使用Binomial Theorem扩展它们时,这个表达式的力量就会发生.我推荐Math博士的解释.