我试图在X11会话中获取所有顶级桌面窗口的列表.基本上,我想获取窗口管理器应用程序切换UI中显示的所有窗口的列表(通常在用户按ALT TAB时打开).
void CSoftwareInfoLinux::enumerateWindows(Display *display,Window rootWindow) { Window parent; Window *children; Window *child; quint32 nNumChildren; XTextProperty wmName; XTextProperty wmCommand; int status = XGetWMName(display,rootWindow,&wmName); if (status && wmName.value && wmName.nitems) { int i; char **list; status = XmbTextPropertyToTextList(display,&wmName,&list,&i); if (status >= Success && i && *list) { qDebug() << "Found window with name:" << (char*) *list; } status = XGetCommand(display,&i); if (status >= Success && i && *list) { qDebug() << "... and Command:" << i << (char*) *list; } Window tf; status = XGetTransientForHint(display,&tf); if (status >= Success && tf) { qDebug() << "TF set!"; } XWMHints *pHints = XGetWMHints(display,rootWindow); if (pHints) { qDebug() << "Flags:" << pHints->flags << "Window group:" << pHints->window_group; } } status = XQueryTree(display,&rootWindow,&parent,&children,&nNumChildren); if (status == 0) { // Could not query window tree further,aborting return; } if (nNumChildren == 0) { // No more children found. Aborting return; } for (int i = 0; i < nNumChildren; i++) { enumerateWindows(display,children[i]); } XFree((char*) children); }
这是有用的,只要打印出关于数百个窗口的信息 – 我需要什么,就是找出可以询问哪个属性来确定给定的窗口是否是顶级的桌面应用程序窗口(不知道什么是官方术语是),还是不.
但是,有一些问题.一开始,正在使用的窗口管理器必须支持EWMH. KDE和GNOME,我确定其他人也做.但是,我确信有很多没有.另外,我注意到KDE有几个问题.基本上,一些非KDE应用程序不包括在列表中.例如,如果您在KDE下运行xcalc,则不会在此列表中显示.
Atom a = XInternAtom(m_pDisplay,"_NET_CLIENT_LIST",true); Atom actualType; int format; unsigned long numItems,bytesAfter; unsigned char *data =0; int status = XGetWindowProperty(m_pDisplay,a,0L,(~0L),false,AnyPropertyType,&actualType,&format,&numItems,&bytesAfter,&data); if (status >= Success && numItems) { // success - we have data: Format should always be 32: Q_ASSERT(format == 32); // cast to proper format,and iterate through values: quint32 *array = (quint32*) data; for (quint32 k = 0; k < numItems; k++) { // get window Id: Window w = (Window) array[k]; qDebug() << "Scanned client window:" << w; } XFree(data); }@H_502_12@ @H_502_12@