struct A {}; struct B {}; struct C : A,B {};
struct B {}; struct C : virtual B {};
template <typedef T,typename... Args> T* custom_new(Args&& args...) { void* ptr = custom_malloc(sizeof(T)); return new(ptr) T(std::forward<Args>(args)...); } template <typedef T> void custom_delete(T* obj) { if (!obj) return obj; void* ptr = get_allocated_ptr(obj); // here assert(std::is_polymorphic_v<T> || ptr == obj); obj->~T(); custom_free(ptr); // heap corruption if assert ^^ Failed } B* b = custom_new<C>(); // b != address of allocated memory custom_delete(b); // UB
如何为非多态类型实现get_allocated_ptr?对于多态类型,dynamic_cast< void *>做这个工作
struct Base { std::string a; }; struct Derived : Base { std::string b; }; Base* p = custom_new<Derived>(); custom_delete(p);
在这个例子中,custom_delete实际上会释放正确的地址(static_cast< void *>(static_cast< Derived *>(p))== static_cast< void *>(p)),但是行obj- T()将调用Base的析构函数,这意味着b字段被泄露.
template <class T> struct CustomDeleter { void operator()(T* object) const { object->~T(); custom_free(object); } }; template <typename T> using CustomPtr = std::unique_ptr<T,CustomDeleter<T>>; template <typename T,typename... Args> CustomPtr<T> custom_new(Args&&... args) { void* ptr = custom_malloc(sizeof(T)); try { return CustomPtr<T>{ new(ptr) T(std::forward<Args>(args)...) }; } catch (...) { custom_free(ptr); throw; } }
注意:请注意unique_ptr :: reset(pointer)方法.这种方法在使用自定义删除器时非常危险,因为onus是在调用者上提供以正确方式分配的指针.如果使用无效指针调用该方法,编译器将无法帮助.
可能是你想要将一个基指针传递给一个函数,并赋予该函数释放对象的责任.在这种情况下,您需要使用类型擦除来从消费者隐藏对象的类型,同时在内部保留其最常派生类型的知识.最简单的方法是使用std :: shared_ptr.例如:
struct Base { int a; }; struct Derived : Base { int b; }; CustomPtr<Derived> unique_derived = custom_new<Derived>(); std::shared_ptr<Base> shared_base = std::shared_ptr<Derived>{ std::move(unique_derived) };
注意:这种方法的一个缺点是,shared_ptr需要为其控件块单独分配(不会使用custom_malloc).再多一点工作,你可以解决这个问题.您需要创建一个包装custom_malloc和custom_free的自定义分配器,然后使用std :: allocate_shared创建对象.
#include <memory> #include <iostream> void* custom_malloc(size_t size) { void* mem = ::operator new(size); std::cout << "allocated object at " << mem << std::endl; return mem; } void custom_free(void* mem) { std::cout << "freeing memory at " << mem << std::endl; ::operator delete(mem); } template <class T> struct CustomDeleter { void operator()(T* object) const { object->~T(); custom_free(object); } }; template <typename T> using CustomPtr = std::unique_ptr<T,typename... Args> CustomPtr<T> custom_new(Args&&... args) { void* ptr = custom_malloc(sizeof(T)); try { return CustomPtr<T>{ new(ptr) T(std::forward<Args>(args)...) }; } catch (...) { custom_free(ptr); throw; } } struct Base { int a; ~Base() { std::cout << "destroying Base" << std::endl; } }; struct Derived : Base { int b; ~Derived() { std::cout << "detroying Derived" << std::endl; } }; int main() { // Since custom_new has returned a unique_ptr with a deleter bound to the // type Derived,we cannot accidentally free the wrong thing. CustomPtr<Derived> unique_derived = custom_new<Derived>(); // If we want to get a pointer to the base class while retaining the ability // to correctly delete the object,we can use type erasure. std::shared_ptr // will do the trick,but it's easy enough to write a similar class without // the sharing semantics. std::shared_ptr<Base> shared_base = std::shared_ptr<Derived>{ std::move(unique_derived) }; // Notice that when we release the shared_base pointer,we destroy the complete // object. shared_base.reset(); }