c – 内联定义

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了c – 内联定义前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。

“The general rule in C99 is that if all top-level declarations of a
function in a particular file include inline but not extern,then the
definition of the function in that file is inline.”


“If the function is used anywhere in the program (including the file
that containts its inline declaration),then an external declaration of
the function will need to be provided by some other file. When the
function is called,the compiler may choose to perform an ordinary call
(using the function’s external definition) or perform inline expansion
(using the function’s inline definition). There’s no way to tell which
choice the compiler will make,so it’s crucial that the two definitions
be consistent.”


“Variables with static storage duration are a particular problem for
inline functions with external linkage”



“so attempting to call average from
another file will be considered an error”

“Consequently,C99 imposes the following restrictions on an inline
function with external linkage (but not on one with internal linkage):
The function may not define a modifiable static variable.
The function may not contain references to variables with internal

static int i;由于功能无法链接到你无法调用它,
堆栈框架 – 所以你应该能够链接到它?做内联函数



“The general rule in C99 is that if all top-level declarations of a
function in a particular file include inline but not extern,then the
definition of the function in that file is inline.”

What is a: “top-level declaration of a function”??



int foo( int bar );


int foo( int bar ){
    return -bar;


“If the function is used anywhere in the program (including the file
that containts its inline declaration),then an external declaration
of the function will need to be provided by some other file. When the
function is called,the compiler may choose to perform an ordinary
call (using the function’s external definition) or perform inline
expansion (using the function’s inline definition). There’s no way to
tell which choice the compiler will make,so it’s crucial that the two
definitions be consistent.”

Huh??? What is he saying here??

首先,什么是联动?变量或函数链接定义了编译器如何处理该对象的多个实例.没有联系的标识符总是“个人”.也就是说,程序内标识符的多个声明总是被视为单独/不同的实体.函数参数和局部变量没有联系.对具有外部链接的标识符的所有引用都指向同一实体.这是C关键字’extern’.默认情况下,全局标识符具有外部链接.这意味着,例如,如果您有全局变量“int x;”在程序的两个源文件中,它们将链接在一起并视为同一个变量.内部链接意味着一个源文件中的标识符的所有声明都引用单个实体,但是其他源文件中的相同标识符的声明引用不同的实体.这是使文件“私有”的C方式.这是文件范围中的C关键字“static”.


“Variables with static storage duration are a particular problem for
inline functions with external linkage”

But i thought you couldn’t call a function with external linkage! The
compiler would give an error: pg 473 “so attempting to call average
from another file will be considered an error”


“Consequently,C99 imposes the following restrictions on an inline
function with external linkage (but not on one with internal linkage):
The function may not define a modifiable static variable. The function
may not contain references to variables with internal linkage.”

Why?? If a function is inline and extern,then even if it does declare
a static int i; since the function can’t be linked to you can’t call
it,but won’t a static variable be created outside the inline
functions stack-frame – so you should be able to link to it? Do inline
functions have a stack frame? What’s going on here??




