5.3.5 Delete
2 If the operand has a class type,the operand is converted to a pointer type by calling the above-mentioned conversion function,and the converted operand is used in place of the original operand for the remainder of this section. In either alternative,if the value of the operand of
is the null pointer the operation has no effect. In the first alternative (delete object),the value of the operand ofdelete
shall be a pointer to a non-array object or a pointer to a sub-object (1.8) representing a base class of such an object (clause 10). If not,the behavior is undefined. In the second alternative (delete array),the value of the operand ofdelete
shall be the pointer value which resulted from a prevIoUs array new-expression.72) If not,the behavior is undefined.
5.3.5 Delete
2 If the operand has a class type,and the converted operand is used in place of the original operand for the remainder of this section. In the first alternative (delete object),the value of the operand of
may be a null pointer value, a pointer to a non-array object created by a prevIoUs new-expression,or a pointer to a subobject (1.8) representing a base class of such an object (Clause 10). If not,the value of the operand of delete may be a null pointer value or a pointer value that resulted from a prevIoUs array new-expression. If not,the behavior is undefined.
Specifically,standard says in 5.3.5 [expr.delete] paragraph 2:
…if the value of the operand of delete is the null pointer the operation has no effect.
此外,在第4段标准中说明了默认的解除分配功能:If the delete-expression calls the implementation deallocation
function ( [basic.stc.dynamic.deallocation]),if the operand of
the delete expression is not the null pointer constant,…
应该在3.7.4.2 [basic.stc.dynamic.deallocation]或者 [new.delete.single]和18.6.1.2 [new.delete.array],应该明确说明.解决方案的一部分是您注意到的措辞的变化,虽然该短语的语言已经发生了很大的变化,但是驾驶的逻辑没有效果语言仍然存在,但这不是一个明确的术语,因此应该是用指定的语言替代.