@H_403_2@上下文:在我的应用程序中,我必须在许多地方生成许多伪随机数.我使用单例模式生成器来保持应用程序运行的可重复性.在我的情况下,分布总是一致的,但问题是在C 11样式中预先制作分发对象的范围太多了.
#include <random> #include <iostream> #include "limits.h" using namespace std; mt19937 mt; uniform_int_distribution<int> * fixedDist; uniform_int_distribution<int> * variableDist; // this version creates and delete dist after just one use int getIntFromRange1(int from,int to){ variableDist = new uniform_int_distribution<int>(from,to); int num = (*variableDist)(mt); delete variableDist; return num; } // this version contains modulo int getIntFromRange2(int from,int to){ int num = (*fixedDist)(mt); int diff = to - from; num = num % diff; return num + from; } int main(){ mt.seed(123456); fixedDist= new uniform_int_distribution<int>(0,INT_MAX) int a = getIntFromRange1(1,10); // 1 and 10 are just for illustration int b = getIntFromRange2(1,10); // can change freely cout << "a: " << a << endl; // a: 6 cout << "b: " << b << endl; // b: 9 getchar(); }@H_403_2@重复的问题 @H_403_2@Vary range of uniform_int_distribution
int getIntFromRange1(int from,int to){ std::uniform_int_distribution<int> dist(from,to); return dist(mt); }