所以我需要一种算法来生成除循环旋转之外的数字列表的所有排列(例如[1,2,3] == [2,3,1] == [3,1,2]).
def permutations(done,options) permuts = [] seen = [] for each o in options if o not in seen seen.add(o) permuts += permutations(done+o,options.remove(o)) return permuts
考虑测试您输出的每个排列,寻找比您所获得的更早“词法”的循环旋转.如果有,请不要返回 – 它将在其他地方枚举.
选择“唯一”第一个元素(如果存在)可帮助您进行优化.你知道如果你修复了第一个元素,并且它是唯一的,那么你就不可能通过旋转重复它.另一方面,如果没有这样的独特元素,只需选择最少的元素.这样,您只需要检查具有第一个元素的循环旋转. (例如,当你生成[1,1] – 你只需要检查[1,而不是[2,1]或[2,2] ]).
// generate all permutations with count[0] 0's,count[1] 1's... def permutations(count[]) if(count[] all zero) return just the empty permutation; else perms = []; for all i with count[i] not zero r = permutations(copy of count[] with element i decreased); perms += i prefixed on every element of r return perms; // generate all noncyclic permutations with count[0] 0's,count[1] 1's... def noncyclic(count[]) choose f to be the index with smallest count[f]; perms = permutations(copy of count[] with element f decreased); if (count[f] is 1) return perms; else noncyclic = []; for each perm in perms val = perm as a value in base(count.length); for each occurence of f in perm test = perm rotated so that f is first tval = test as a value in base(count.length); if (tval < val) continue to next perm; if not skipped add perm to noncyclic; return noncyclic; // return all noncyclic perms of the given symbols def main(symbols[]) dictionary = array of all distinct items in symbols; count = array of counts,count[i] = count of dictionary[i] in symbols nc = noncyclic(count); return (elements of nc translated back to symbols with the dictionary)