网上找了很多资料,终于搭建了自己的 vim “IDE”,用了一段时间了,感觉还不错 ~
2、ctags + cscope支持,而且 各个打开的vim工程独立不干扰,存放到~/.ctags/ 目录下;
git clone https://github.com/guomingyi/vim-warper.git
# Install ######################################## cp -a .vim ~/.vim cp -a .vimrc ~/.vimrc # Ctags: cd ~/.vim/depends/ unzip ctags-5.8.zip cd ctags-5.8 ./configure make sudo make install # Cscope: 参考Ctags步骤. ##################[快捷键定义]################# # 窗口类: f2 鼠标使能切换 \f2 行号显示切换 f3 tagbarlist \f3 NERDTree f4 Ctrlp,文件模糊搜索,也可按ctrl+p打开,按esc退出 \f4 MRU,文件打开历史记录,可保存 f5 make tags,用于查看代码进入函数跳转,支持多目录加载 \f5 make cscope,ctags的升级,功能更强大,暂不支持多目录加载 f6 Buf exploler,当前文件打开记录缓存 \f6 miniBufExploler,跟上一个类同 \f7 themes switch # 文件跳转: 1 跳转到上一个文件 2 跳转到下一个文件 \1 关闭当前文件 3 quickfix列表搜索文件条状到下一个 4 quickfix跳转到上一个 # 更新插件: \3 更新插件 # 退出: \q 退出当前窗口 \qa 不保存seesion.vim退出全部 \qs 保存session.vim退出全部 F2 同\qs \w :w # ACK搜索相关: \s Ack 搜索,先按下\s,再输入需要搜索的字符,回车 \f AckFile搜索,同上 # ag 搜索 sudo apt-get install silversearcher-ag # Cscope相关: cc 搜索该函数调用的函数 cd 搜索调用该函数的函数 cs 搜索函数 cf 搜索文件 ct 搜索字符串 # 特殊命令: # 有时候vim的历史记录会有混乱,这个时候有两种方式还原: 1> rm -rf ~./ctags/ 2> vim clean
按 F3 切换显示tagbar ,\F3 切换显示nerdtree, F4 弹出ctrlp模糊搜索
按\F4 切换ctrlp-funky,模糊搜索当前文件函数,ctrlp搜索使用外部ag搜索引擎
buffer 浏览器,按F6切换
F5 执行make tags,tags的目录做了重定向,每个新打开的vim工程互不干扰。
make cscope,和ctags类同
vimrc 全配置:
1 2 "##################################################################[Plugin manager] 3 " http://www.cnblogs.com/songfy/p/5635757.html 4 set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim 5 6 call vundle#begin() 7 8 Plugin 'VundleVim/Vundle.vim' 9 Plugin 'tpope/vim-fugitive' 10 Plugin 'vim-scripts/winmanager' 11 Plugin 'rstacruz/sparkup',{'rtp': 'vim/'} 12 Plugin 'kien/ctrlp.vim' 13 Plugin 'wincent/command-t' 14 Plugin 'scrooloose/nerdtree' 15 Plugin 'majutsushi/tagbar' @H_403_201@ 16 Plugin 'jiangmiao/auto-pairs' 17 Plugin 'minibufexpl.vim' 18 Plugin 'jlanzarotta/bufexplorer' 19 Plugin 'taglist.vim' 20 Plugin 'scrooloose/nerdcommenter' 21 Plugin 'godlygeek/tabular' 22 Plugin 'plasticboy/vim-markdown' 23 Plugin 'portante/cscope' 24 Plugin 'tomasr/molokai' 25 Plugin 'yegappan/mru' 26 Plugin 'rking/ag.vim' 27 Plugin 'altercation/vim-colors-solarized' 28 Plugin 'tacahiroy/ctrlp-funky' 29 Plugin 'Lokaltog/vim-distinguished' 30 31 "Plugin 'Valloric/YouCompleteMe' "NEED VIM8.0+ & PYTHON3.5+ support. 32 "Plugin 'vim/vim' "vim8.0+ 33 34 call vundle#end() 35 36 filetype plugin indent on 37 "##################################################################[default value set] 38 modelines=0 39 backspace=2 "设置更好的删除 40 Syntax on "语法高亮 41 "set noswapfile 42 "autocmd InsertLeave * se nocul "用浅色高亮当前行 43 "autocmd InsertEnter * se cul 44 cul 45 paste 46 smartindent "智能对齐 47 autoindent "自动对齐 48 confirm "在处理未保存或只读文件的时候,弹出确认框 49 tabstop=4 "tab键的宽度 50 softtabstop=4 51 shiftwidth=4 "统一缩进为4 52 expandtab "不要用空格替代制表符 53 54 history=50 "历史纪录数 55 "set nohlsearch 56 hlsearch 57 incsearch "搜素高亮,搜索逐渐高亮 58 59 gdefault "行内替换 60 encoding=utf-8 61 fileencodings=utf-8,ucs-bom"编码设置 62 63 guifont=Menlo:h16:cANSI "设置字体 64 langmenu=zn_CN.UTF-8 65 helplang=cn "语言设置 66 67 ruler "在编辑过程中,在右下角显示光标位置的状态行 68 laststatus=1 "总是显示状态行 69 showcmd "在状态行显示目前所执行的命令,未完成的指令片段也会显示出来 70 scrolloff=3 "光标移动到buffer的顶部和底部时保持3行的距离 71 "set showmatch "高亮显示对应的括号 72 matchtime=5 "对应括号高亮时间(单位是十分之一秒) 73 autowrite "在切换buffer时自动保存当前文件 74 wildmenu "增强模式中的命令行自动完成操作 75 linespace=2 "字符间插入的像素行数目 76 whichwrap=b<,98)">>"开启normal 或visual模式下的backspace键空格键, 77 "左右方向键,insert或replace模式下的左方向键,右方向键的跳行功能 78 79 "分为三部分命令:file on,file plugin on,file indent on 80 "分别是自动识别文件类型,用用文件类型脚本,使用缩进定义文件 81 82 foldenable "允许折叠 83 cursorline "突出显示当前行 84 magic "设置魔术?神马东东 85 ignorecase "搜索忽略大小写 86 "filetype on "打开文件类型检测功能 87 88 foldmethod=Syntax "使用语法高亮定义代码折叠: zc 折叠,zo 展开 89 foldlevelstart=99 "打开文件是默认不折叠代码 90 91 "set mouse= "鼠标默认值 92 "set number "显示行号 93 94 " 自动切换vim工作目录 95 " set autochdir 96 " :cd 改变vim的当前工作路径 97 " :lcd 改变当前窗口的工作路径 98 " :pwd 查看当前的工作路径 99 100 behave mswin 101 102 if has("autocmd") 103 au BufReadPost * line"'\"") > 1 && <= "$") | exe "normal! g'\"" | endif 104 InsertEnter * silent execute "!gconftool-2 --type string --set /apps/gnome-terminal/profiles/Default/cursor_shape ibeam" 105 InsertLeave * "!gconftool-2 --type string --set /apps/gnome-terminal/profiles/Default/cursor_shape block" 106 VimLeave * "!gconftool-2 --type string --set /apps/gnome-terminal/profiles/Default/cursor_shape block" 107 endif 108 "##################################################################[auto exec cmds] 109 "autocmd VimEnter * TagbarToggle "auto start cmd 110 "autocmd VimEnter * WMToggle "auto start cmd 111 "autocmd VimEnter * NERDTree "auto start cmd 112 113 "default themes 114 autocmd VimEnter * call UserFunctionSwitch(6) 115 116 " default show line number 117 0) 118 119 " default enable mouse 120 1) 121 122 "Open Nerdtree when start vim with no argument 123 argc() == 0 && !exists"s:std_in") 124 " autocmd VimEnter * WMToggle 125 endif 126 127 128 BufNewFile * 52) 129 130 "##################################################################[ctags] 131 " Press F5 to update make ctags. 132 " cd ~/.ctags 133 " ctags -R ${source_path} 134 "silent !~/.vim/shell/make-ctags.sh 135 let g:pwd = getcwd() 136 g:Newpwd () 137 "let g:Newpwd = substitute(g:pwd,$HOME,"",128)">) 138 = "~/.ctags/" . substitute(g:Newpwd,"/",135)">"_",135)">"g") 139 140 settag "set tags=" . . "/tags" 141 "echo settag 142 exec settag 143 144 g:argc () 145 g:argv argv) 146 "echo "argv:" g:argv "argc:" g:argc 147 148 if (expand(g:argv== "clean")) 149 g:clean = 1 150 echo "clean all session.vim.." 151 silent :!~/.vim/shell/delsh 152 endif 153 154 "##################################################################[key map] 155 nmap 1 : bp cr> 156 nmap 2 : bn > @H_502_978@157 nmap Leader>1 : bd > 158 >3 : PluginInstall > 159 160 nmap 3 : cn > 161 nmap 4 : cp > 162 163 nmap 5 C-]> 164 165 nmap 6 C-o> 166 167 nmap 7 C-i> 168 169 "行号切换 170 map silent> F2> : call UserFunctionSwitch(0) CR> 171 "鼠标切换 172 >> : call UserFunctionSwitch(1) > 173 174 "neadtree 175 F3> : call UserFunctionSwitch(2) > 176 "tagbarlist 177 > : call UserFunctionSwitch(3) > 178 179 "mru,file open history record 180 " nmap <silent> <Leader><F4> : call UserFunctionSwitch(4) <CR> 181 "file search 182 F4> : exec "CtrlP ." > 183 > : exec "CtrlPFunky" > 184 nmap fu : execute 'CtrlPFunky ' . expand('') 185 186 "make source tags 187 F5> : call UserFunctionSwitch(5) > 188 > : call UserFunctionSwitch(51) > 189 190 "miniBuf 191 F6> : call UserFunctionSwitch(70) > 192 "buf exploler 193 > : call UserFunctionSwitch(7) > 194 195 "quickfix 196 F7> : call UserFunctionSwitch(8) > 197 "nmap <silent> 8 : call UserFunctionSwitch(80) <CR> 198 "nmap <silent> 9 : call UserFunctionSwitch(81) <CR> 199 "themes switch 200 > : call UserFunctionSwitch(6) > 201 202 F8> : call UserFunctionSwitch(50) > 203 204 "ack search file & symbols 205 >s : Ack Space> 206 >f : AckFile > 207 >q : q > 208 >qa : qall > 209 nmap :ag : Ag -i > 210 nmap :af : AgFile > 211 212 " quit all & save session.vim. 213 F12> : call UserFunctionSwitch(30) > 214 >qs : call UserFunctionSwitch(30) > 215 >wq : wq > 216 >w : w > 217 >rn : %s/\r//g > "替换^M 218 >rs : call LeaveHandler() > 219 220 " cscope 221 nmap cc : cscope find c > 222 nmap cd : cscope find d > 223 nmap cf : cscope find f > 224 nmap cg : cscope find g > 225 nmap cs : cscope find s > 226 nmap ct : cscope find t > 227 "##################################################################[function] 228 g:userFuncSwitch 1 229 g:line_number_show 0 230 g:mouse_enable 0 231 g:window_flag 1 232 g:MRU_flag 0 233 g:themes_flag 1 234 g:ctags "" 235 236 g:quickfix 0 237 238 function! UserFunctionSwitch(cmd) 239 = a:cmd 240 exec ":Syntax on" 241 242 if a:cmd 0 243 0 244 'set nu' 245 1 246 'Show line number!' 247 else 248 'set nonu' 249 0 250 endif 251 return 252 endif 253 254 1 255 0 256 1 257 'set mouse=n' 258 'enable mouse' 259 else 260 0 261 'set mouse=' 262 'disable mouse' 263 endif 264 return 265 endif 266 267 2 268 'WMToggle' 269 return 270 endif 271 272 3 273 'TagbarToggle' 274 return 275 endif 276 277 4 278 0 279 1 280 'MRU' 281 else 282 0 283 'MRU' 284 'q' 285 endif 286 return @H_404_1598@287 endif 288 289 5 290 "Start make tag.." 291 g:time1 localtime() 292 system"~/.vim/shell/make-ctags.sh " shellescape'%:h'))) 293 g:ctag_execcmd "set tags+=" g:ctags 294 g:ctag_execcmd 295 g:time2 () 296 echo g:ctag_execcmd "escape time:" (g:time2 - g:time1)"s" 297 return 298 endif 299 300 " 一键更新ctags & cscope.. 301 50 302 " exec g:ctag_execcmd 303 " cs kill -1 304 " exec g:cscope_cmd 305 return 306 endif 307 308 51 309 "Start make cscope.." 310 t1 () 311 db "~/.vim/shell/cscope.sh " '%:p'))) 312 path strpart(db,0,match"cscope.out")) " 必须这样截取,否则多余的结束符^@会导致cs add 异常. 313 g:cscope_cmd "cs add " . path "cscope.out" 314 g:cscope_cmd 315 cs kill -1 316 g:cscope_cmd 317 t2 () 318 t2 - t1)"s" 319 return 320 endif 321 322 " 监听执行命令 323 52 324 " let cwd = getcwd() 325 " echo "cwd:" cwd 326 return 327 endif 328 329 330 6 331 332 0 333 1 334 "colorscheme solarized" 335 g:molokai_original 0 336 g:rehash256 0 337 "set background=dark" 338 "set t_Co=32" 339 return 340 endif 341 1 342 2 343 "colorscheme molokai" 344 1 345 1 346 "set background=dark" 347 "set t_Co=256" 348 return 349 endif 350 351 2 352 3 353 0 354 0 355 "colorscheme default" 356 "set background=light" 357 "set t_Co=128" 358 return 359 endif 360 361 3 362 1 363 364 "set background=dark" 365 "set t_Co=256" 366 return 367 endif 368 return 369 endif 370 371 372 70 373 'TMiniBufExplorer' 374 return 375 endi 376 377 7 378 'ToggleBufExplorer' 379 return 380 endif 381 382 8 383 0 384 1 385 "cclose" 386 else 387 0 388 "copen" 389 endif 390 return 391 endif 392 393 80 394 1 395 "bn" 396 else 397 "cn" 398 endif 399 return 400 endif 401 402 81 403 1 404 "bp" 405 else 406 "cp" 407 endif 408 return 409 endif 410 411 20 412 "call MyTabLine() 413 "echo 'tab:' tab 414 return 415 endif 416 417 30 418 g:quit_save 1 419 "qall" 420 return 421 endif 422 423 endfunction 424 425 "##################################################################[TlistToggle,NERDTree] 426 NERDTreeQuitOnOpen=1 "打开文件时关闭树 427 NERDTreeShowBookmarks"显示书签 428 Tlist_Show_One_File " 不同时显示多个文件的 tag ,只显示当前文件的 429 Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow " 如果 taglist 窗口是最后一个窗口,则退出 vim 430 Tlist_Use_Right_Window 1 431 Tlist_Auto_Open 0 432 "###################################################################[cscope] 433 " http://www.jb51.cc/article/p-hjohkcxr-bb.html 434 435 " 安装: 436 " sudo apt-get install cscope 437 438 " 创建索引: 439 " cscope -Rbq 440 " 把需要创建索引的文件类型输入到这个文件 441 " find . -type f > cscope.files 442 443 " 添加到vim: 444 " :cs add ./cscope.out 445 446 " 查找函数func: 447 " :cs find s func 448 449 " vim支持8种cscope的查询功能,如下: 450 " s: 查找C语言符号,即查找函数名、宏、枚举值等出现的地方(包括头文件) 451 " g: 查找函数、宏、枚举等定义的位置,类似ctags所提供的功能(比如有可能只在头文件处) 452 " d: 查找本函数调用的函数 453 " c: 查找调用本函数的函数 454 " t: 查找指定的字符串 455 " e: 查找egrep模式,相当于egrep功能,但查找速度快多了 456 " f: 查找并打开文件,类似vim的find功能 457 " i: 查找包含本文件的文件 458 " 其他功能可输入:help cscope查看 459 460 "cscope") 461 " set csprg=/usr/bin/cscope 462 csprg=cscope 463 csto=1 464 cst 465 nocsverb 466 " add any database in current directory 467 " if filereadable("cscope.out") 468 " cs add cscope.out 469 " else add database pointed to by environment 470 " elseif $CSCOPE_DB != "" 471 " cs add $CSCOPE_DB 472 " endif 473 csverb 474 endif 475 476 "##################################################################[Ctrlp] 477 rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/ctrlp.vim @H_131_2404@478 :helptags ~/vim/bundle/ctrlpvim/doc 479 g:ctrlp_map '<c-p>' 480 g:ctrlp_cmd 'CtrlP' 481 g:ctrlp_working_path_mode 'cra' 482 483 g:ctrlp_custom_ignore = { 484 \ 'dir': '\v[\/]\.(git|hg|svn|rvm|out|gen)$',485 'file': '\v\.(exe|so|dll|zip|tar|tar.gz|pyc|a|img|apk|bak|ko|deb|~|swp|tmp|html|jpg|png|bmp|ogg|log|jar|o)$',486 \ } 487 488 wildignore+=*/tmp/*489 490 g:ctrlp_regexp 1 491 492 g:ctrlp_cache_dir '~/.cache/ctrlp' 493 g:ctrlp_show_hidden 0 494 495 " sudo apt-get install silversearcher-ag 496 " when use ag,add custom ignore to : ~/.agignore 497 executable'ag') 498 g:ctrlp_use_caching 1 499 grepprg=ag\ --nogroup\ --nocolor 500 g:ctrlp_user_command 'ag %s -l --nocolor --hidden -g ""' 501 else 502 1 503 = ['.git',135)">'cd %s && git ls-files . -co --exclude-standard',135)">'find %s -type f'] 504 g:ctrlp_prompt_mappings { 505 'AcceptSelection("e")': ['<space>',135)">'<cr>',135)">'<2-LeftMouse>'],506 } 507 endif 508 509 " echo "g:ctrlp_user_command :" g:ctrlp_user_command 510 511 g:ctrlp_clear_cache_on_exit 0 512 g:ctrlp_max_depth 100 513 g:ctrlp_max_files 5000000 514 515 " ctrlp-funky 516 g:ctrlp_funky_Syntax_highlight 1 517 "##################################################################[winManager] 518 g:NERDTree_title="[NERDTree]" 519 g:winManagerWindowLayout'NERDTree' 520 521 function! NERDTree_Start() 522 'NERDTree' 523 endfunction 524 525 function! NERDTree_IsValid() 526 return 1 527 endfunction 528 529 " NOTIC!!! modefiy WinManager.vim to fixed open empty file bug: 530 "function! <SID>ToggleWindowsManager() 531 " if IsWinManagerVisible() 532 " call s:CloseWindowsManager() 533 " else 534 " call s:StartWindowsManager() 535 " exe 'q' " ADD THIS LINE! 536 " end 537 "endfunction 538 539 "##################################################################[MiniBufExplorer] 540 g:default_open_minibufexplorer 0 541 g:miniBufExplMapWindowNavVim 1 542 g:miniBufExplMapWindowNavArrows 1 543 g:miniBufExplMapCTabSwitchBufs 1 544 g:miniBufExplModSelTarget 1 545 g:miniBufExplMoreThanOne0 546 547 "BufExplorer 548 rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/bufexplorer 549 550 g:bufExplorerShowRelativePath0 " Show absolute paths. 551 g:bufExplorerSortBy'extension' 552 'fullpath' 553 'mru' 554 'name' 555 'number' 556 557 "nmap <silent> <s-F7> :BufExplorer<CR> 558 "nmap <silent> <m-F7> :BufExplorerHorizontalSplit<CR> 559 "nmap <silent> <c-F7> :BufExplorerVerticalSplit<CR> 560 "##################################################################[SuperTab] 561 g:SuperTabDefaultCompletionType"context" 562 563 "##################################################################[TagbarToggle] 564 g:tagbar_ctags_bin 'ctags' 565 g:tagbar_width 30 566 567 "##################################################################[mru] 568 rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/mru 569 g:MRU_Max_Entries 1000 570 g:MRU_Exclude_Files '^/tmp/.*\|^/var/tmp/.*' " For Unix 571 g:MRU_Include_Files '\.c$\|\.h$' 572 g:MRU_Window_Height 8 573 "let g:MRU_Use_Current_Window = 1 574 g:MRU_Auto_Close 0 575 g:MRU_Max_Menu_Entries 20 576 577 "##################################################################[auto-pairs] 578 runtimepath^=~/.vim/bundle/auto-pairs 579 g:AutoPairsFlyMode 1 580 g:AutoPaiRSShortcutBackInsert '<M-b>' 581 laststatus=2 582 "##################################################################[nerdcommenter] "\cc 注释当前行和选中行 583 "\cu 取消注释 584 rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/nerdcommenter 585 g:NERDSpaceDelims 1 586 g:NERDAltDelims_java 1 587 g:NERDCustomDelimiters { 'c': 'left': '/**',135)">'right': '*/' } } 588 g:NERDCommentEmptyLines 1 589 g:NERDTrimTrailingWhitespace 1 590 g:NERDCompactSexyComs 1 591 592 "##################################################################[ack] 593 rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/ack.vim 594 g:ackprg '~/.vim/shell/xgrep' "find symbols and files. 595 g:ack_autoclose 1 596 g:ackpreview 1 597 g:ackhighlight 1 598 g:ack_autofold_results 0 @H_575_3012@599 g:ack_lhandler "botright lopen 8" @H_485_3018@600 g:ack_qhandler "botright copen 8" 601 602 "##################################################################[resume history] 603 g:AutoSessionFile "/session.vim" 604 if(g:AutoSessionFilefindfile))) 605 copysh 606 source ~/.ctags/sessionvim 607 endif 608 609 g:AutoCscopeFile "/cscope.out" 610 (g:AutoCscopeFile))) 611 " 必须这样截取,否则多余的结束符^@会导致cs add 异常. 612 (g:AutoCscopeFile,98)">)) 613 cmd "cscope.out" 614 "path:" path 615 "cmd:" cmd 616 silent: cmd 617 endif 618 619 call LeaveHandler() 620 function! LeaveHandler() 621 (g:quit_save ) 622 g:path "~/.vim/shell/get_path.sh " ))) 623 execcmd "mks! "g:path 624 execcmd 625 execcmd 626 else 627 "exit but no save session.vim" 628 endif 629 endfunction 630 631
现在,基本可以使用vim代替si了 !